
[Reprint] liposuction will then fatter? _ fat lose weight

Original address: liposuction will then fatter? author: Dr. orthopaedic hospital in Zhangzhou beauty I have not yet to the consulting room, there is a lot of body bulky, patiently waiting for me. They always saw I can't wait to ask this question: "after liposuction fat up again?" After the liposuction, "I could safely eat and drink, no longer need pills?" and "will rebound after liposuction? if fat is not to sbeverly hills plastic surgerymoke?" and so on. I understand their feelings, but something that is not clearly explained. Because liposuction in China time shorter, this kind of surgery of existence this or that question is inevitable. According to the United States Association for aesthetic and plastic surgery statistics, released in 1997 and 1998, two consecutive years of United States accept liposuction cosmetic surgery accounts, 1998 reached 218064. As people recognize the liposuction is local weight loss weight loss and the best way, that's why so many people are willing to accept this surgery. Liposuction before losing weight, people have used various methods to lose weight, one of the most popular is dieting, weight loss drugs to lose weight, these are valid. Practice has proved that long hunger is sure to become thin, but unfortunately, some sites are indeed very difficult to thin down, such as the abdomen. The 70 's, scientists discovered the body of the fat cells in the original is not a, instead of two. One is we are all familiar with "subcutaneous fat", while another is never to be found in the "deep fat". "Subcutaneous fat" distribution in addition to the body, it acts as the body's energy reserve station, you have to increase the Organization's softness, warmth and heat insulation. "Deep fat" mainly in the abdomen, waist, hips, arms, thighs, legs, jaw and etc, this fat is also has a role in energy supply, but not easily passive use. Therefore, when you start to lose weight, weight gradually declining, "subcutaneous fat" less and less, it is obvious in the whole body and slim down, you still find yourself-bellied. When you resolve to lose weight is a big bruise. Why belly fat is so difficult to reduced? scientists further found that the original "deep fat" and "subcutaneous fat" on the energy metabolism of different sensitivity. "Subcutaneous fat" on the energy metabolism more sensitive, so once you lose weight, first of all consumption is "subcutaneous fat," and "deep fat" consumption is abnormally slow, this is the face and hands after losing weight noticeably thinner, but did not cut down the abdomen. Now if you give up dieting, so the situation? "deep fat" will take a few times to "subcutaneous fat" hyperplasia, which means that the speed of excess abdominal fat than the face and hands more. It is the body both fat cells found that promote invented the use of negative pressure will this kind of "deep fat" extract in vitro of liposuction. Liposuction invention first for "deep fat", many people have liposuction methods more clearly, people worried about whether the security is surgery, but rather whether the rebound after liposuction. Due to the "deep fat" cell "was certain, when" deep fat "is aspiration, their numbers will decrease. Reduction in the number of fat cells, even if obesity, obesity also of liposuction is extremely limited, so the aspiration will rebound. To enter the United States, the ofMortgage Loans Bad Credit ficial Web site: florida accident attorneywww.meibos.cn www.2931000.com

