
[Reprint] shocked the tragic: iron clothes take 20 years through bile, _ love mother kills child in tears and I'll stay away from me

Original address: shocked tragic: 20 years wear iron clothing take bile, mother bear tearful kill child and suicide! (reprint) author: a m love wrote in front: you believe animal also will suicide did? you know months bear mother to does not let themselves of children and themselves as subjected to tortured, and kills themselves of children did? now I believe! I wanted to you see has below of articles also will believe! inadvertently in others of blog Shang see this article articles, first topics on has will I shocked, I know content will let I tears, I does not bear see, because so of content I has countless times see has, also countless times heard has, every time a I are can feeling to they of pain sth sth����But I have to reprint, because I wanted to have more people to see, and see the picture that makes people afraid of bloody, because only the shock of the mind can make people conscious, can allow us to think about. �C One metre �� love clear water transfers from the original http://www.douban.com/Note/123208624/

Shake the tragic: wearing iron clothes take 20 years, and mother killed son and suicide in tears!

Man trap caught in the wild bear, bear-fall into the trap, cause torn paws or limbs. Bear after he was caught, to nearly 25 years by human cruelty, bear the pain was cut very well to commit suicide. Human justice, to iron clothes put on suicide prevention bear, bear nothing cannot be moved, nor even suicide. Bear belly is digging a hole by humans, insert steel pipes, and daily living taking bile, dripping with blood free from inhibition, pain, suffering a bear ROAR like thunder, but wearing iron clothes, unable to move. (Cost savings, there is no local anesthetics) a mother suffering, mankind to bear for her kids away at the intestinal rupture of abdominal and move iron cage, tear bear their children-not willing to bear a lifetime of suffering of hell.

Friends asked management for a few days for him "bear", it is located in Northwest ** foot of a secluded villas, as well as friends of the bear's Manor. ��ҹ�����ʱ�֣�����С¥��չת���¡� Mountain breeze constantly fed into the horror of the calls, like a sob, both pain and despair. At this point, I could hear the door gently, "creak, creak" along with heavy breathing. I gave a turn to sit up, shut up lamp: "who?" has no answer, the silence was dreadful. I reach out and picked up a broom, quietly walked to the door, suddenly opened the door. Heh, curled up outside the door of a bear, it was the body of a mission's Ninagawa, hairy earlock soft fluffy his. It looked at me with fragile mood fragile mood, issued almost a flattering look well cry, "bear, come, come on," I'm an open hand, Winnie groggy crawled to me, a small Palm take on me, the warm tongue licking my hand, was so soft. Suddenly, a loud sound coming from the outside, little bear eyes yizheng, agile has drills to bed. Soon, there came a knock, I opened it asks, "what happened?", "bear room have just run a little bear, not to bother you?", "Oh, yeah, here. "Where I pointed at the bear hide. They are pitching lower body, it means, roughly dragged out from the inside, they bear the four legs on the foot-binding, dressed up with a thick long sticks carry. Cubs leave door, Yang's head bent over helplessly looking at my eye, that's begging look poor. after dawn, on duty in Lao Zhang said that led me to bear. Come to one of thousands of square metres of tall buildings, very spacious, laid flat with six cages, each cage there is a collapse of the bear. Strangely enough they grabbed a gleaming anything like an undergarment covering the chest and abdomen. Lao Zhang told me, "this is the preparation of bile, now bear bile price is $ 300 per gram. "He took me to the first cages, and gestures told me," bile harvest begins. "I saw two workers of the sturdy tie nicely around good bears more than, just an undergarment covering the chest and abdomen a thick rope pulling on each side, through a special pulley, align shouted" Hi! "bear upon steel undergarment covering the chest and belly began to shrink shrinkage. Suddenly, the bear issued the hysterical ROAR: "uhh sth!" it's not a roar, that is changing the shape of this incessant cruel cry, he struggled painfully staring at a circle with his head back between his eyes, four big Palm in the limited space of push to hold ground, issued the "HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS" squeaky sounds instantly, in the belly of steel pipe under "ticking, ticking," out of the blue green liquid. Actions workers and slowly let go of the rope, then pull up to the next round, it was the call themselves hoarse cry. I see the tears transient bear down, it went so far as grinding the teeth like a person, bow up body to suffer endless suffering. Well sad scene, I couldn't bear to look at, turned and walked away. At this point, I did not understand that those sad is that these pains of bear in the night, in eternal twilight issue groans of Ah. old with me to the door, my voice shaking asked him: "do you? they are life!" old lightly said, "no way, this is how we live. "Mood, I asked him:" how long recovery bile? "he replied," it depends, bile twice a day, less two days at the latest, a bear bile powder with an annual output of 2000 g, mining for 10 years. "My heart was trembling, twice a day, 10, this is the kind of Devil figure Ah, that is so tortured twice each day to die, to health in the criminal law cannot stand 10, 7,200 Wan boning. Day after day, year after year through, vertical is one of the strong vitality, and certainly difficult to stick, my aching pain. �����Ҫ��ȥ�� Lao Zhang said: "a bear surgery, the moment you can't go you on behalf of Liu Zong, you go, something no one could take it to the

Responsibility! "so I returned to bear with him. He was greeted by, four sturdy workers gather up to bear, with iron chains to closely link the little bear. Winnie frightened and looked at all, then its eyes when you see me, suddenly bright, craving and looked at me. My eyes were moist, at this point, it turned out "bump" a knelt down to me, are the four hoof and knees ... Lao Zhang waved, command to start the operation bear down toward the roof, and burst into tears "uhh sth" the sound was so bad, was so disappointing, I had never heard of in the world is shocked cry of the soul, it is shout it out with the human language of a "mother" Word, even as the executioner of workers as well as one of the earthquake. At this time, an unusually shocking scenes emerged, cages only big bear was screaming out, even with the giant Palm a little stretch of the thumb as crude iron cage, jumping out. The workers there fled in fright, I was dumbfounded, feet like a lead mobile shall not be a step. Big bear did not ignore my existence, quickly jumping to the Cubs, the lumbering giant of crude crude Palm solutions for chains, what solution does not open, it had to kiss the Cubs, reluctantly, nestled in its own bosom, with his tongue to lick tears to bear serious love, hum to soothe her dear children. Bear also called the MOM, "toot sth" weeping, seeking MOM help themselves. suddenly, the big bear was barking, and kick their giant Palm took bear's neck, shouts run out of strength pinch, pinch ... ... Until the bear's body loose to tumble, it only let go of its own giant Palm, it looked dead children, weeping. Wail, seemed to shout: "my child, my mother could not save you, but you will no longer have to suffer, MOM I'm sorry you!" it was tearing my hair, then a pass on dragging down the steel an undergarment covering the chest and abdomen, steel pipe with half a gallbladder flew out, stomach fur at once was red with blood, gurgle flowing dark red red. I saw it a yell, like crazy to hit the wall, "bang!" walls come tumbling down. I am numb, simply do not know how we get out of this cruel bear room. the whole day, my mind was the tragic scene. I ask mother bear is a mother?: I think so, is the mother of helplessness. In the here and now, it has no ability to help children escape the hell of 20 years suffering and desperation, only love creates destroyed, then accompanied in the unseen world, looking for it, only in this way, Ah! bear could not endure the daily pain of producing bile, has cut duchang suicide. To prevent they echoes, on special has this iron vest day and night wear in they body due to pumping Tan of wound has never been does not closed, has never been didn't healed; due to years to subjected to tortured, many bear are suffering from tumor, got cancer, this bear was of is liver cancer wearing iron vest is pumping bile of bear, iron vest are decay has, does not know has pumping has number years this bear has is shut in cage in up to 22 years of long! "cannot turned, cannot station straight, cannot turned, only pain!!! no Woods no sun only dark!!! no free no end only pain! China black bear of ocean mother----Asia animal protection Association founder Chereau will officials. Jill Robinson MBE in his right shoulder on the lines of "Moon bear" in two words. Five years she has black bear run, wants to build a larger aid station, but this has always believed that the Fund is not ready. Jill Robinson MBE photo with a newly rescued bears, the bear was forced to wear suicide prevention protection bile extraction of iron vest. black bear is very painful when taking bile. Fear of the bile flow, wearing steel vest black bears are mostly only in one position in an iron cage.����In addition to the free swinging, a body was no longer active.����Per head was taken of black bear bile, skinny, and the only actions are desperately shook his head. Now have a Government to abolish the discussion has been raising bear file, but not many people to vote. Hope you can also go to cast a vote, simply click on the links below to "applause", it is best to "cosign signatures". Thank you very much! you can also start with someone you know to vote, each computer can only cast a vote. We are peace-loving people, please help these poor animals friends! please sign petition to cancel the ' bear ' http://elianghui.people.com.cn/proposalPostDetail.do?id=82423&view=1&pageNo=1&boardId=2 Please vote to save the bears!http://ezheng.people.com.cn/proposalPostDetail.do?id=85735&boardId=1 this is this year's vote suppression of cruel live bears taking bile support thank you

