�� Success stories �� United Kingdom building design _ overseas Elf
2010 autumn we are three students enrolled at Shenyang jianzhu University United Kingdom renowned architectural colleges. Student details Qi as follows: class 10-Shenyang jianzhu University undergraduate students: architecture for IELTS: 7.0 University average score: 82% admitted to College: Edinburgh University Liverpool Zhu students 10-Shenyang jianzhu University undergraduate students: architecture for IELTS: 6.0 University average score: 81% admitted to College: University of Nottingham Sheffield University yellow 10-Shenyang jianzhu University students, undergraduate students: architecture for IELTS: 6.0 University average score: 85% admitted to College: UCL (University College London) Edinburgh University classmates is more than three years before November 09 to our company registration, applications for comparatively late belongs to, and then their works not yet ready. This is more for good schools is causing difficulties. My company's advanced copy, consolidates the fellow, in accordance with their own characteristics, tailored to help them apply for instruments, and was quickly submitted to the school. Through the concerted efforts of all, they ultimately is your ideal school admission. Above the school, in the field of architectural design, has a high reputation, many students who aspire to be. Below are a few schools described: Sheffield University School of architecture Sheffield University (University of Sheffield) architecture currently operates three post-graduate courses, including the MSc in Environmental Design ComputerAided (CAED), MA in Urban Design, MArchStudies (Advanced Architectural Studies). Tuition fees are approximately 9000-12000 pounds or so. If you have read the doctor's intention, and computer expertise to design, MSc in Computer Aided EnvironmentalDesign are good choices. This course is to develop advanced computer technology to conduct environmental design, but does not involve the United Kingdom Royal architect exam subjects. In addition to the postgraduate courses, Sheffield University, College of architecture, also set up a United Kingdom Royal architect II and III exam courses. Related: Advanced Architectural Studies-MAArchitecture-Diploma/MArchArchitecture & Regional and Town Planning-Diploma/MArchCommercial Property-MAComputer Aided Environmental Design-MScLandscape-MArch/MArch StudiesLandscape Archaeology-MALandscape Design-Diploma/MALandscape Management-Diploma/MAPlanning MAPlanning and Development-Research and Theory-MA/Diploma/CertificateTown and Regional Planning MA-University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle University School of architecture, landscape and also in the United Kingdom it and Sheffield should be LandscapeArchitecture two best universities. The school's master's course of direction, but also very delicate, the creation of several courses in choice should be more suitable for Chinese students. Related: Architecture Planning Studies MAArchitecture andPlanning, MPhil and Landscape; PhDUrbanDesign MA and MSc PGDipDigitalArchitecture Liverpool College of architecture, University of Liverpool (University ofLiverpool) College of architecture, history, in the United Kingdom in the creation of the University of architecture, is also the first company to get United Kingdom Royal Institute of architects ' qualifications. Existing postgraduate courses have MA in Architecture, if you want to test United Kingdom Royal architect qualifications in the second part of this course is best suited. It is worth mentioning that the Liverpool School of architecture will provide scholarships to international students. Currently enrolled in the University of Liverpool School of architecture degree of Chinese students money Yu get the college scholarship. In the United Kingdom, the Department of architecture at the University of the arts, but application architecture discipline awardLearn metallographic for other pure arts more easier. When you apply for a scholarship should demonstrate academic achievement, but also to reflect their social skills and participate in various internship and active experience. UCL (University College London): related to: MSc/Dip Adaptive Architecture and Computation New! MSc/Dip Advanced Architectural StudiesMSc/HistoryMSc/Dip Dip Architectural Construction Economics & ManagementMSc/Dip Environmental Design & & EngineeringMSc/Dip Facility Environmental ManagementMSc/FuturesMSc/Dip Dip Housing Mgmt of Interdisciplinary Projects New! MSc/Dip Light & & LightingMSc/Dip Project Enterprise ManagementMSc/Dip Sustainable HeritageMSc/Dip Dip DesignMSc/Urban Development & PlanningMSc/Dip European Property Development & PlanningMSc/Dip European Spatial PlanningMSc/Dip Town & Country PlanningMSc/Urban Regeneration Dip Nottingham professional: Master of Architecture in DesignMSc/Dip Renewable Energy and ArchitecutreThe Diploma in Architecture (DipArch) MA/Diploma in Architectural TechnologyMA/Diploma in Architectural Theory and DesignMA in Architecture and Critical TheoryMA/Diploma in Architecture and Urban DesignMaster of Architecture (MArch) in Conservation
The rise of United Kingdom (1): Anglo-Saxon times _ unnamed
(Source: 2009 04 08 Phoenix network history channel) Editor's Note: Tiandi Xuanhuang, boundless. Humanity is where exactly? often say that the world's ancient civilizations of the "big four" (China, ancient India, ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon). However, in today's world there are more than 190 countries, they all come from, how they are developed, especially near hundreds of years leading the human tide of the modernization of Europe and the United States, how did they? rise of today, Phoenix network history channel from the history of the "European country" to begin, open the picture of the history of the world, together with the majority of Internet users, worldwide, overview of ancient and modern, the habit of vernal spring breeze. How many contacts, all gossip. ) United Kingdom rise of (a): Anglo- Anglo-Saxon times with Rome (Roman) troops in the 5th century a.d. (401-410) final withdrawal British (Britannia, ancient Celtic language, which means "colorful land"), Britain South then entered the Anglo-Saxon (Anglo-Saxon) era. In this era, the British Empire in the southern region on the island of disappearing, but Jesus (Jesus) will eventually replace the Caesar (Caesar, the Roman Emperor's salutation), all of a sudden clash of living, you strike me on stage to sing, turmoils up hundreds of years later, in 1066 years Christmas London Westminster (WestminsterAbbey, interpreters for Westminster Abbey, London's main church, Newton, Darwin, and other celebrities are buried in here), with the Duke William of Normandy (William the conqueror ofNormandy, nicknamed "William the Conqueror") was crowned as King William I of England (William I ofEngland), England medieval entered. So, people on Anglo-Saxon period of seven States have detailed understanding of? this article focused on the period of some seven countries. First, the times development: 1, prehistoric times: people for Britain's oldest residents understand very little (United Kingdom of the earliest human fossils appear to 25 million years ago, 5000 years b.c., Quaternary ice age ended, sea-level rise, the British became the island), but these residents in stone Heng (Stonehenge, round stone structure) and Havre Burleigh (Avebury) the legacy of Stonehenge is proof of the early history of the Islanders have developed a considerable degree of civilization (MegalithCulture, megalithic culture, from North Africa, located in Spain, France and Germany, and the Western Isles), they are in the bronze age culture period. 2, the Celtic period: then, in the 5th century BC, the early leaf first Celtic (there are four tribes: Silurian people occupy Wales/Silures Doum Benoni people occupy southwestern England/Domnonii, Kent in South-East of England who occupy/Canti, love Siniora occupied eastern England Iceni people) will be the European continent of iron age culture brought to the island. (In fact, in the 6th century b.c., 7-the southern island of Britain already appeared at the beginning of civilization, belong to the iron age. The civilization throughout the Western and Central Europe, its name comes from a German, an iron long sword) 3, Roman conquest: 54 years b.c., Julius Caesar (JuliusCaesar, Roman generals) crossed the English channel, the island's Celtic several wars of conquest, the General view is Caesar's purpose is to prevent the island's Celtic on its newly conquered Gaul (Gaul) region. 43 years, the Roman Empire a.d. Emperor Claudius (Claudius, interpreters Claudia) again on the British forces, and in today's London and Colchester (Colchester, London North East Harbour) the establishment of military bases, to the year 85 years, the Roman Empire in British territory already on extends to the South of the River Clyde. In the Roman conquest of Britain in the early Celtic launched a series of uprisings against the Romans, the most famous being podica uprising (Boudicca, Celtic in Briggs Thom/Briton Queen, love Sydney King Playa Soutar goose/Prasutagus's wife. A.d. 60 years to launch anti-Roman Emperor Nero's independence movement, once the capture of London. The following year the uprising failed, she took poison himself), but since the bloody repression of the Romans and failed. In the 2nd century a.d., the Roman emperor Hadrian (Hadrian) ordered in the North of the island of Britain built a line of famous military defense �� Hadrian wall, whose aim is to prevent the North Peak Inuit (Pict, "painting", the ancient Celtic tribes, living in the North of England to preferences tattoo name) from aggression. Roman rule in Britain during the period, the town developed on the island, and in order to ensure the smooth conduct of military operations and the construction of the road network connecting the town, the road is England region land transport infrastructure. The Romans also built the Colchester, Lincoln (Lincoln) and Gloria Chester (Gloucester) (besides the most important thing is the city of York, then called/York Puebla Qom/Ebracum) these colonies to House veterans. The period of Roman rule in Britain and the continent's other regions on Imperium has frequent trade �� wine, olive oil, ceramics and homeHas become a staple of the imported goods, but Britain's lead, Tin, iron, wheat and wool you pass across the continent, but this trade with the Roman Empire at the end of the recession and the Roman legions in the a.d. 5 withdrawal of the British Isles and the beginning of the twentieth century. 4, Anglo-Saxon era: with the withdrawal of the Roman army, Barbarian tribe on romanization British guards and more frequent, 410, a.d., the Roman Empire from the IDB's refuse assistance romanization of British (the year 410 years xigete King Alaric/Alaric captured Rome), Roman officials then left the British, and 5 in the second half of the twentieth century Germanic tribes pilgrimage into the British �� they are the Anglo-Saxons (North-West from Germany and the Netherlands today) and the Jutes (Jute, from Jutland peninsula/Jutland). These Germanic tribes defeated on the ground Celts, defeated Celtic fled to Wales and England now southwestern Cornwall (Cornwall) areas, some of them also crossed the English channel to now France-Bretagne (Bretagne) areas for settlement. As victors of the Anglo-Saxons, and Jutes slowly formed seven small, they are the Saxons of Sussex (Sussex, "South Saxon"), Essex (Essex, "East Saxon"), Wessex (Wessex, "West Saxon"); Anglo people of the East angles jegalia (East, East Anglia, "Anglo"), Northrend Umbria (Northumbria, "North Umbria" Umbria is one of the provinces in the central part of Italy), Moesia (Mercia) and the Jutes in Kent (to local indigenous Celtic Aboriginal "Kent man" named). From the 8th century late leaf, Viking (Wiking, "seafarers", also known as the Norman/Norman, "the North", is one of Denmark 's) on the British island of aggression, they like locusts will England coastal areas destroyed, and in 865, England started a comprehensive intrusion, but in the end they were Wessex Kingdom of Alfred the great (Alfred theGreat) defeated and forced to settle down in the East of England. This area because the implementation of the law of Denmark is called Denmark law area, Denmark were the rulers of the land to the soldiers. Alfred the great of heirs after a fierce battle, finally conquered Denmark law area, England. But in the late 10th century Denmark again for England region invades Kanoute Dadi (KnuttheGreat) 1016 years finally conquered the whole of England, and has been ruled to 1042 years. Subsequently, Wessex dynastic penitent Edward (Edward theConfessor) restore the interrupted the Saxon King, Duke William of Normandy with France in 1066, in Hastings battle won, Anglo-Saxon times eventually end. Second, the Anglo-Saxon period of social Overview: early Germanic invaders, from status than the serf, but are dependent on the King. Over the next few centuries of war and agricultural practices, most Lords or under pressure into serfs, or dependent nobility and gentry of feudal lords. The Lord of the nobility and gentry is the privileged class, they swear allegiance to the King, to obtain from the King, and on their own territory owned territories exercise greater autonomy. Anglo-Saxon Kings Kingdom Government by tribal leaders meeting of evolution, the King has the Kingdom of Executive and judicial power, nobility is composed of the King's Advisory Council to help the King with the national policy. King of the Kingdom of the County as a basic regional administrative unit, the Earl of governance, in some cases these count will post becomes hereditary, manages several County. Shire of administrative units for the County, the County and County has its own Court, County Court the county magistrates in charge of the County Court by a magistrate of long. In the Anglo-Saxon times, agriculture is the primary industry, but the invasion of Denmark is active traders, in the 9th century, the importance of cities and towns began to increase. Anglo-Saxons in Ireland and Rome sent missionaries, began the process of Christian. But Ireland religious ceremonies and continental ritual differences almost led to the splitting of the British Christian Church, the huge differences in 663 years (about a.d. 664 years) of Whitby (Whitby) religious meeting finally got resolved. At the same time, monastery became the Anglo-Saxon era's cultural center, there to exquisite is famous for its huge, in addition to this, the Church scholars �� �� Peter (Bedeof Jarrow, 673-735, the Saxons of monks), Al-Kum (Alcuin, Northrend Umbria) and Alfred the great, as well as preservation and development of knowledge and dedication. England seven Kingdoms period (a.d. 800 years before and after) : guozhizhi a-England 7---Kent the Kingdom approximately in the middle of the 5th century a.d. by the invasion of England region of the Germanic tribes of the Jutes. On the establishment of the Kingdom, historians have stayed in, in accordance with tradition, a.d. 449, Jutes in its tribal leaders henges and Garbajosa, led by the two brothers, in the South coast of England, they are landing on the ground, Mr Thom's invitation to come to help locals resist North pickert human aggression. Before long, Heng Gus and his son Esk immediately switch the gun head, and invite them to come to that, Mr Thom leader wading root devil, Jutes soon defeated the locals, and about today United Kingdom of Kent region established the Kingdom of Kent. Kent Kingdom of Couette Talbot in the 6 th century in England dominate, it is said that his hegemony range has been extended to hang Bo River South of the region. In 597, Eitel Bert in its capital city of Canterbury hosted Pope Gregory missionary sent envoys St. Augustine and St. Augustine, accepted baptism into Anglo-Saxon Kings Kingdom first accept the Christian King. But in the next several centuries, the Kingdom of Kent's national recession periodically to Moesia Kingdom and the Kingdom of Wessex to carve up the conquest and, ultimately, in the second half of the 8th century into the Kingdom of Moesia aofa great rule a province. Aofa Great Emperor died, Kent in 796, the outbreak of the Intifada rebellion Moesia, was brutally repressed. A.d. 825, Kent is Wessex Kingdom of King Egbert conquest, was forced to recognize the Wessex of Royal power, Kent became the Kingdom of Wessex. Although Kent in 8 century began in Denmark's aggression, become victims of one of the most serious, but Kent remains before the Norman Conquest of England's economy the most developed areas, as Archbishop of Canterbury in the presence of the area, making a large number of assets in the name of religion to gather in the area, on the other hand, Kent and continental maintained close contact �� religious, political, economic, and cultural. England seven guozhizhi II �C East angles jegalia East angles that Leah is Anglo in 5 century establishment of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, its territory is approximately equivalent to the now United Kingdom of Norfolk and Sue Fokker Shire, Anglo from Scandinavia and North German area. The early history of the Kingdom is fuzzy, but the territory is located in the Kingdom of large blocks of marshes, so that it is in a relatively favourable position of Defense, the factors that the Kingdom of the East angles jegalia in 6 century became the Anglo-Saxon Kings Kingdom in a country. East angles that Leah Kingdom King Reed Wald (he died around the year 627) succeeding Kent's Eitel Bert become the overlord of the South of England, Reed Waldemar helped Edwin beat Northrend Umbria Kingdom of King Eitel Friedrich Ritter, and Edwin on Northrend's throne of the Kingdom of Umbria. However, the Kingdom of the East angles jegalia dominant position but with the rise of the Kingdom of Moesia and weakened. A.d. 650 years later, the Kingdom of the East angles that Leah degenerated into long-term Moesia Kingdom vassals. A.d. 825, East angles jegalia in Wessex King Egbert aid launched on the uprising of the Kingdom of Moesia, although they subsequently from Moesia domination, but reduced to Wessex vassals. More bad things come one after another, 865, 866 winter, the invasion of England in Denmark in the Kingdom of the East angles that Leah, 869, in the winter, Denmark's return to old haunt, and once they are no longer a short stay, they conquered the Kingdom of the East angles that Leah, who destroyed the Kingdom of Denmark on the territory of the monastery, and murdered the East angles that Leah's young King �� Saint Edmund. 9 century 70 's, Wessex of Alfred the great of defeated Denmark, forcing Denmark people in England to the East of Denmark law area live East angles that Leah by Wessex and Denmark were to 886 year and about becoming a Denmark law area. However Denmark method of Denmark and the-State people before long heavy eruption, not only helped Viking invasion of Wessex, also constantly harassed the Kingdom. Ultimate Wessex King Edward the elder in 917, eventually conquered Denmark method district, unified England, from then on, the East angles jegalia became a territory of England. England seven guozhizhi three �C Northrend Umbria Northrend Umbria is Anglo people established Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, it was originally composed of two independent small kingdoms, the Kingdom of the two small to Dease River as the boundary. One of a number of independent small Kingdom is Bern West Asia, its territory covers today's East Scotland, England's Victor, Roxburgh, East of Northrend Umbria and the Durham region. A separate small Kingdom is de la, its territorial scope includes today England Yorkshire of the North and East, the two kingdoms were Anglo in about the year 500 years. The existing number of rare historical record 6 century, Bern West King-El, de la King as ELIT (or ceel). Bern West King Eitel Friedrich Ritter (in bit period 593-616) the Kingdom of the two merged into the Kingdom of the Umbria of Northrend, and unified Kingdom of Scotland, and Wales increased in the territory, but Eitel Friedrich Ritter was de la of Edwin defeated, and was replaced by. Edwin in 627, accepted Christianity and in England established Northrend Umbria's hegemony, unfortunately not always, in the year 632, Edwin is Wales that the Kingdom of King meets de Lagarde Watts Furlong kill, this Kingdom is and Moesia King Penda Coalition to oppose the Umbria of Northrend. After a year of confusion, Northrend Umbria's throne from Bern West of Oswald, Oswald to St. Martin for Celtic Christian missionary work, however, Oswald was Penda of Moesia killed. Following) bearing Oswald as King of Wu (one is aucillaIn-period 641-670), and Hector Griffith (in bit period 670-685), during this period, the Umbria of Northrend's wane, by contrast, the Kingdom of Moesia has ��Western plunged. However, aucilla Ukraine in religion or make a difference in Whitby religious meeting established the Roman Catholic Church on the Celtic church leadership. 7 century late leaf and 8 century period, the Kingdom of Northrend Umbria long-term political rivalries, quarrel, and, although the Kingdom of the Church, arts, academic, literary but is in a golden age. 867, invasion of Denmark in Northrend, the capital of the Kingdom of Umbria, York victory, they occupied the Kingdom's southern region, Northrend Umbria's Anglo people only have control of the Litani River, DIS Firth a little South of the Kingdom. Denmark-great conquest of kanu throughout England, in Northrend Umbria Denmark people count is set, the Earl of Denmark were to die in 1055, of civatte is most powerful. But Northrend Umbria people in 1065 year civatte heir to that expulsion,, reference cell, is the location of Moesia Earl Edwin brother Mocha-replace, 1066 years, mention that, in Norway's Harold. El de Rada, accompanied back to Northrend Umbria and Faure Ford battle beat mocha and Edwin, then just get England King Harold II ran off to the North, defeated the reference cell, and de Rada. However, the Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis spinus, Duke William of Normandy to seize the Harold and the weakness of conquests, overwhelmed, in England, South of Hastings defeated Harold, ended the Anglo-Saxon times. England seven guozhizhi four �� Moesia Moesia is Anglo people build of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, its territory is approximately equivalent to the United Kingdom's Midland region. The Kingdom is about the year 500 years or so, but its early history is not only confusing, to the reign of King Penda, Moesia history become clear. Penda will Moesia extends the sphere of influence of Wessex (645) and East angles jegalia (650), become hang Bo River to the South of the overlord of England. Penda died, Moesia hegemony within three years, given that in this era, Nova's Umbria Kingdom sent a missionary to the Kingdom of Moesia to convert to Christianity, but Penda son Woolf hull to re-establish a more powerful Kingdom of Moesia. 8 century Eitel Balde-Moesia Wang, the entire southern England for the sphere of Moesia. Moesia hegemony in the aofa appellation (in bit period 757-796 years) reached a peak, he took control of the East angles that Leah, Kent, Sussex, and force the Canavese g} and Northrend Umbria on he maintained a surrender. Aofa great also in Moesia established west of the Kingdom of the great wall to protect the aofa West from Welsh. Aofa Great Emperor died, Moesia hegemonic position gradually decline, its hegemony as Wessex. When the 9th century Wessex King Egbert defeated Moesia, Moesia was briefly recognized Wessex's sovereign status, but in the year, when 874 invasion of Denmark were seriously undermined Moesia, Moesia stigma to yield to Denmark, the eastern region by 886, Wessex and Denmark's and about Denmark, become an integral part of district, West of the Wessex of Alfred the great control, at this point, the history of independent Moesia was concluded, although it as Wessex, a territory of the Kingdom, had a noble Countess Eitel Fred. Her husband died, trying to help as Wessex King's brother against Denmark, won the title of Moesia Lady. England seven guozhizhi five -Essex Sussex was the Saxons of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, it may be established in the early 6th century AD. The Kingdom's Royal ancestry can be traced back to the European continent Germain people respected God Woden (o.), this is the other Saxon �� Anglo Kingdom rulers claims. Essex Kingdom territory including the now United Kingdom in Essex, Middlesex County, Hartford County most and London. About 604 years, Essex King Seibert at his uncle �� Kent King Eitel Burt's impact, the acceptance of Christianity. But when he died, following the expulsion of King London Bishop melito natus, Kingdom very soon again Pagan beliefs. However in 653, King West Bert to Northrend Umbria King oswy sent missionaries to put their national missionary requests oswy sent to Essex Cede?o, sed to Essex embraced Christianity again, and has established in the territory of the Kingdom of the Church. The Woolf hull to Moesia Wang, Essex recognized the sovereignty of Moesia, began the grip for the neighboring country of Essex. 825 years, Essex and other Eastern Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, surrender to the Kingdom of Wessex, and as Wessex of a territory. 886, Wessex and Denmark's and about Denmark, Essex became a part of France, but in 917, Wessex King Edward the recapture of the elderly. Essex territory's most famous Earl is Bill Fontenot, 991 year Jimmy Erdong killed in battle�� Six seven guozhizhi England �� �� Sue Sussex Sussex was the Saxons of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, its territorial scope in the Southeast will de today United Kingdom in the southern part of the region. Sussex Kingdom established at the end of the 5 (follow the traditional argument is in 477 years), its establishment is the leader of the Saxons, Moeller in several battle beat Celtic, a short period of military hegemony. But the people of this country's early 200 years of history almost nothing, the 7 th century, the Kingdom or embrace Paganism until York Bishop Saint Wilfrid missionary work in the Kingdom (681-686), that the Kingdom of the population profess to Christianity. 685-688, Wessex King caedwalla conquered the Sussex and caedwalla later King of Nepal rule, Sussex continue to surrender to the Wessex. 771, Moesia-aofa great already includes Sussex conquer the Kingdom, neighbouring countries, from then until the 825, Sussex remains under the reign of Moesia. 825, Sussex and other Eastern Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, surrender to the Wessex King Egbert. England seven guozhizhi seven-Wei Sussex Wessex is the Saxons of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, it may be in 495 years by Sergio Dick under the leadership of the Saxons to establish, it is rumored that he led the people in the United Kingdom today Hampshire coastal zone login. To Sergio Dick's grandson seflin (in bit period 560-593), the Saxons of settlements have spread all over the Hill-soar mountains, the original inhabitants of the Celts were Saxons from the Thames River Valley and the Severn River between the expulsion, but seflin I were Saxons exile. Until 8th century, the Kingdom of Wessex has been in the shadow of power �� first Kent, then Northrend Umbria, last is Moesia. However this period Wessex also not without as the King caedwalla (685-during in-688) on neighbouring countries launched several successful campaigns, his Inheritors because on the one hand, to the West, Mr Thom little Kingdom extended territory, on the one hand, forcing the Kent tribute. Because, after death, Wessex was plunged into chaos. * ** Until King Egbert (802-239), Wessex with gradually experienced a revival, he again became a sovereign of England, but his successor was forced to give up a large part of the hegemony of to focus on defense Denmark invasions. To Alfred the great of domination, Wessex's history and the history of England, to the 10th century the elderly Edward, Eitel Stein, Edmund, edred successively as King of Wessex, Wessex gradually include Denmark law area, the whole of England established a consolidation of the rule. But the King Edgar calm reign, the new King Eitel red (in bit period 978-1016 years) can't resist the invasion of the Viking, Viking Princes Kanoute in England established Denmark's reign (1016-1042). Kanoute family of extinction caused the penitent Edward became England's last Wessex King of Kings (1042-1066). With the Norman Conquest, Wessex is no longer a political concept, but as a geographical concepts, it generally refers to the United Kingdom now Dorset County. (To be continued)
United Kingdom lowered interest rates push Thursday gold harvest high _ securities administrator
Http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 02 06 03: 43 Sina financial �� MarketWatch New York February 5 rising �� ?? �� ?o?? �� ?�� �� ' February 6, Thursday morning news New York gold for the second consecutive trading day charge. In the United Kingdom's Central Bank will cut interest rates to a historical minimum of 1%, gold (199, 1.70, 0.86%, bar) as the fight against inflation tool investment attractiveness. The New York Mercantile Exchange 2 month delivery of gold futures price 12 u.s. dollars, up 1.3%, to close at $ 913.60 per ounce. Investors buy gold to avoid inflation risks of buying, so far this year amounts accumulated up 3% over the same period dropped a sandp 500 index 6%, tracking major commodity futures price performance of Reuters/JefferiesCRB commodity futures price index dropped by 5%. As of Thursday, the world's largest gold stock held by exponential Fund gold positions created a historical high. Reports: bodies collective sung many international gold buy ETF firm Shanghai gold futures rise again cut interest rates expected to boost the price of gold gaosaier jiepan: ECB resolution or will break gold ice Goldman up 3 months of gold price target to $ ounce Chartered Bank: the gold price in the second quarter is expected to test 1000 dollars gold price rise is opportunity or risk us spare time Gold rebounded big lines continue to rise gold price forecast hengtai Chase Jinping: Gold further consolidation after breakthrough imminent related blog: dollar decline, due to market risk, wish to strengthen (yangyijun) European interest rates before the publication of the full price of $ (yangyijun)
The rise of United Kingdom (2): "before and after the Norman Conquest of England _" unnamed
(Source: 2009 04 09 Phoenix network history channel) England's main island �� British island is an early human activities and the islanders in five thousand years ago created in England in the southern desert garries plain of megalith circle splendid culture as represented. According to some historians, about 1 million years ago living in Central Asia is a group of nomadic patrilineal 4000 years BC, before and after the split of the Eastern moved into Xinjiang has established a number of small kingdoms, such as migrating in loulan; out of a force of Indians; a moving westward into Iran, more famous is the ancient Persians and m-Asia; relocation of a is an ancestor of the Germanic people. Because the Europeans in modern scientific study of the medium and long term, they lead to European geography and history of the Europeans as the Center to create a thing of the past, so much a thing of the past with the European people's feelings, such as Asia minor around the peninsula, Palestine, East Asia is as close to Europe's distance is called the "Near East" and "Middle East" and "far East", Chinese, Korean and Japan who were called "menggurenzhong" because Mongolia people to give them the impression is too deep. They found the ancient period of Central Asian ethnic migration process after the clan group known as the "ancient Indo-Europeans", the "Indian" is because India is their model, their colony is feeling, they want all revolted against colonial domination of nation to India to learn, thus bringing to India. Year 2000-1500 b.c., ancient Indo-Europeans a �� Celtic (Roman asserts its to Gaul) West, 1200-1000 years BC Germans forced the Celtic continued westward to Britain in their living on the island before is Spektor, Spektor's capital is ourscamps Palace, is the historic centre of the Scottish people known as the Palace ", Kang is famous for its stone" Scotland, known as the "stone", destined for inherited the throne of Scotland each and every Member of the nobility are here at coronation ceremony. Until 1296 years, England's King Edward I decided to take this ceremony at London's Westminster Cathedral. Until after the Norman Conquest, Scotland still pickert Kingdom. 55bc and 54 years, Caesar rate Rome military expedition to Britain in Celtic expressed some yield after the retreat of the. A.d. 43 years the Romans in Britain set row province, Britain is divided into military district (Northwest area) and administrative district (South Plains) in two parts. Romans actually only took control of the administrative district of Scotland and the North West of Wales remains in the hands of the Celtic, they often raised his army revolt against Roman rule, the Romans to preparedness they had to build the "great wall" Hadrian. 4-5 century a.d., the Roman Empire wane, gradually gave up on Britain's control, Romans withdrew from 407 years began to retire all 442 years, over 400 years of British rule. The Celts get political independence, the establishment of a group of small Principality, the Principality has fought, fought between sites, weakened the power of their own, as foreign invasion offers opportunity. In Britain the opposite continent of Jutland southern inhabited by Anglo, Peninsula North is Zhu, Saxons living in the Elbe and the Weser River area, they are a branch of the Germanic people. Anglo-Saxons of ties, language and customs, it is difficult to distinguish between known collectively as the history of the Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Saxons is mesh ear man people in Rome in the least primitive tribes, from the third century a.d. onwards they conducted on British pirate harassment. In order to prepare for them, the Romans along the southeast coast-from Solon to the UK has established a Fort on the West and the lookout, equipped with the army to deal with them, this area is called the "Saxon shore". Due to their strong Franks adjacent to Gaul development, coupled with the Roman withdrawal from Britain, when five-century Huns westward across the sea when they moved to Britain. Now Britain's Kent area of a Celtic tribal leaders UK reference Gillen, Zhu said people to help them resist pickert and Scott people pirate-style attacks, Zhu said military chiefs sea engis and Ho silt brother soldiers to 449 years from Tai no Shi river shore, Kent. Six years later both sides because the salaries of a dispute, the reference to force occupied the Kent area, formally settled down on the ground, this is the British withdrawal in Romans first foreign invasion. At the same time, the Saxon people begin to depart from the southeast coast of the North Sea in Davao Cornish landing, enter Thai well's River basin; Anglo others across the North Sea into the Central England. Celtic on these foreign national was stubborn resistance, Romans centuries of construction results in the destruction of the war. A.d. 500 years, the invasion was Celtic's stubborn resistance while suspended, a man named anno Steele leading Celtic warrior, even by jianbiqingye victory, especially Barton Hill victory is to curb the Anglo-Saxon invasion up to several tens of years. Before and after the war of the mountain in Barton, Celtic team to avoid war moved into the Al Moro Leek peninsula, this peninsula, thus the name Brittany (little Britain). 550 years, a new round of invasion began, the southern part of the Saxons to beat the Celtics to the Bristol Bay. 613, Anglo in Nottinghamshire's Chester great victory, advancing to the coast of Ireland, these three peoples in this settled on the island. Celtic back to Wales, Scotland, Ireland, now these three areas are mostly belong toCeltic descent, in the later three place massive emigration to North America, become the main force in North America, now United States South of Celtic descent in occupies relatively high. Anglo-Saxons in and Celtic legends are established in many countries, through a long period of merger formed in England in the history of the age of seven when first North of the Kingdom of the Umbria of Northrend, and is the central part of the Kingdom of wheat, and finally the Western South of West Sussex England Kingdom have Parker, King Arthur and the Knights tale occurred during this period. In the Anglo-Saxons after hundreds of years of bitter battle finally settled down in Britain, and soon after facing other peoples ' invasion, the intruder is Norman. Norman (to the North) is a mesh ear man person a, also called Viking, referring to those living in the Scandinavian Peninsula and Teresa peninsula from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Norman lives of local forest dense, arable land is scarce, they are good at shipbuilding, navigation, is a bold and adventurous people. As the population continues to grow, local produce is not able to feed them, Norman has to be 8 to 9 century begins expansion. Their expansion in 9 to 11 century into a climax, there are 13 and 14th century. In the meantime, the ways of expanding the Normans also changed from colonial aggressor. Norman's expansion into three routes, primarily to Denmark's. 789 years a.d., Denmark were the first invasion of Britain, abundant harvest to the Norman remember this place, after constantly to harassing. 851 year, their first winter in England, North East of England has "Denmark rule zone". Early 9th century, the West Sussex King merger of six countries, the consolidated whole of England, but Denmark were helpless. 879 years England King Alfred (871-899, bit) defeated Denmark, and they make and about. And about requirements to London to Northwest extends to the Church, a bounded on the North-East to the North, Denmark, Denmark rulers rule to collect "Denmark", the South remains in England. Rob England at the same time, the Normans also to 9 century invasion of the French, capture of Paris in 845, robbed-sleep, Bordeaux, Marseille, kluang, Bordeaux and other cities. 911 years, Norman Brolo Army occupies a large area in the Northwest of France, referred to as the "Normandy" (from the North of the land), he claims to be "the Norman Duke". Part of Denmark also invaded Italy, and Byzantine happens in war. Expansion in the West of the main people for Norway, they occupied Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, North America, it was later verified they also had reached the north-eastern part of North America. In East line expansion is Sweden's, they were the Russians as "undergo" (Italian for Nordic Rover). 7-8th century when they engage in commercial activities in the Baltic Sea coast, in the early 9th century by Finland Bay into the land of the Slavs. The expansion process they are stolen, caravan to the South has been arrived at Constantinople, and Greece, of Byzantine people to trade, accelerates the spread of culture in Eastern Europe. 862 year, Sweden in Novgorod established regime, 882, they established the Kievan Principality, later they were assimilated by the East Slavs became the ancestors of today's Russia. 10 century Denmark people invade England, 1016, Denmark's Canute occupied the whole of England, until 1035, Canute died after England was established. 1042 years, Sussex the King's seed "believer" Edward (1042-1066 years old) on the throne of England, he married the English Grand noble brother Devon's daughter to wife. His father is the King of West Sussex, Ethel red mother is the daughter of the Duke of Normandy, Emma, then remarry Canute, Denmark man occupation during his exile in Normandy in England, to live in his grandfather's Palace. Distressed period through to the Norman feel affection, the appointment of a number of positions the Normans, foreign forces and the Normans to brother Devon United Kingdom, represented by the contradictions between the local forces. 1051, Edward King forced brother Devon family fled, and invites the Duke William of Normandy, visit London, William in visit to London, and cousins, King Edward discussed he inherited the throne of the United Kingdom, by Edward William no child, he did. The following year, brother Devon and his son Harold army counter-offensive and get support from the people of United Kingdom. Edward had to restore the Costa family status, expelled the DPRK and the Normans. 1066 years, Edward died, because he has no heirs to the throne, deathbed he specifies Harold to throne, Sage will (Court) may elect a successor Harold King of England. The Principality is at Normandy France in the most powerful of all. William I (1027-1087, 1066-1087, bit) 1035, Board Member, as he then was only 8 years old, and domestic turmoil constantly. He was the King of France 1047 years get a Henry help to calm a rebel, to establish his authority. 1053 year, he and Buddha Randall Earl Baldwin v's daughter married Claude Jorda Ma reference, enabling the Principality and the Normandy European richest region of a coalition, 1063, his conquest of Maine, and then control the clothBrittany, force high-growth ambitions also recovered to the level of his ancestors. As far as he claims, Edward has promised to pass with him to the throne. 1064, Harold was wrecked in the English channel by boat, small-minded afxentiou Earl received, sent to Normandy, Harold in order to be able to return to the United Kingdom was forced to his oath to support the requirements of the United Kingdom to the throne. Since that is already in the feudal law and public opinion on the upper hand by William Duke began massive curtain set armies, and obtained the Pope with France, Germany, Denmark, with the support of the Kings. 1066 years summer, everything is ready, just stand out. Harold get message collection also hastily prepared to challenge the army, his army was the nature of the people, equipment, military rundown is that stone axes. At this time, his brother TAOs reference cells in Norway's King Harald de-with the support of hadrah da support armies in Yorkshire, aims and his battle for the throne. 1066, September 25,, two armed forces in the battle of Stamford Bridge, Harold German victory, Norway's King and TAOs reference cell was killed. As Harold celebrating the victory, William 28 September rate forces sibe West landing, Harold hurried back to Army South. When Harold army before the battle, already very tired, Northern two big feudal Lord Eide mild moire card count for personal selfish reason refuses to support, by Harold was not immediately and William facing war, he uses in his favour in the South of England's tired William army can sure winner, Harold's hot tempered but let him unwilling to wait. 14 October, the two sides in Hastings battle. William force three road, left-wing to Brittany Earl Anan command of the British people, the right wing is Bo Halogen's European Masters hold soldiers under the command of hire, the road is led by William Norman, the name of the Pope's "God flag", the total strength of 12000, Harold strength 6300 guy. Battle Harold Valor, but insufficient, he thought already early in the campaign on several occasions to thwart attacks military William, foot, but he returned in William army pretended that lured away from favorable terrain, by William troops of Cavalry of surprise, the outcome of the battle is William victory, Harold was killed. 25 December, William ascended the throne in London, says William I 's, this is the "Norman Conquest". The United Kingdom after the Anglo-Saxons had long armed struggle against the Norman domination, but were not successful, in spite of the overall situation of the two big feudal Lord Eide mild moire card count is eliminated. 1072, William conquered the entire United Kingdom. He founded the feudal Manor, free peasants as serfs, the United Kingdom's feudal process done quickly. William I, in addition to retain the Anglo-Saxons Knight's territory, the other nobles of the realm were deprived. He spoke about and he compete in the market's down, due to the land of the Tetrarch is fighting, rather scattered, called stand could not form a unified local forces to and against the King, inadvertently strengthen the kingship. William I, I occupy the national one-seventh of the cultivated land, also absorbs most of the forest, make up the material basis of powerful monarchies, he also will teach right over the throne. 1086, he ordered the investigation in the national land, into the land taxes in the survey book of a survey of the way, similar to the trial, so this is also called the's book of his this is to understand the country's population and land status, so that national commitment feudal obligations and the taxpayer be tricky. A large number of free farmers in this survey transit to SERF because surveys many free peasants were registered as serfs. William I of the conquest of the United Kingdom after the still owns the Principality de Normandie, although he was in feudal obligations in France a vassal of the King, but in fact the Normandy region has become part of the United Kingdom, and France to restore this Royal major losses of several generations of charges tried hard. France Royal forces at the time was still small, the territory is a long bar, large cities only Paris and Orleans, King is the King in name. France King and William a major controversy shixiang through diplomacy and feudal law conferred sovereign jurisdiction. He first picked plucking a William's eldest son Robert and William I's relationship, and supported him to inherit its parent requirement, Duke of Normandy and son both started the war. 1087, William I's death, his second son of William Rufus Lu has inherited the United Kingdom to the throne, saying William II, Robert is also the final had won the title of Duke of Normandy, England and Normandy divide and rule. United Kingdom many big aristocrats in the two places have territories, so they want to take two monarch at the same time, the feudal obligations for the Prince of this point, bring a big stir William II ruled more than 13 years of civil strife. 1100 years, William II in hunting was shot to death, his brother beauclerc throne (1100-1135, bits). Henry I know very well that the national civil strife is rooted in Normandy is no control in the hands of the King, coupled with the King of France choose Remove. He consolidated his position in England, at 1105, attacking Robert Duke. 1106 in September, the two sides in Tang Chi Bo Les expand Guild Wars, Robert Duke captured. 1109 year, Henry I of hostile Archbishop ANSELIN also died, Henry I of thorough control of Normandy, in the same year, Henry I's daughter and the Holy Roman Empire the Emperor and Germany King Henry v engagement. All this to the King of France to strong vibration, the unification of England and the United Kingdom of Normandy's forces penetrated into the blue area in France, the United Kingdom and Germany's marriage and France by both sides, France had to counterattack, British and French between two centuries of war will begin. As a result of forces are still weak, roadEasy VI (1108-1137 years old) had to be a small war and diplomacy, he has to help Robert Duke's son William? clayto recovery territory on the sole ground that a war with the United Kingdom. United Kingdom, through ingenious inheritance and diplomatic means to weaken marriage to France. 1119 years, the French were defeated by the Pope, the mediation, the two countries to make peace. 1124, two countries go to war again, Henry I of joint son-in-law de King Henry v, attempts by the Southwest and Northeast France two crossfire. France shocked, Louis VI to "Golden flame" to call God flag set up 20 million people, foiled the attack. 1120, Henry, was the only one who has died as a result of the shipwreck, Henry I choose their married the daughter of the Kaiser as heir Maude. 1125, Mulder's husband Henry v's death, Henry I also married Maude France's northern most powerful Duke of Anjou, 1135/12, the death of Henry I, grandson of William I of the winner announced successor Stephane, his father was France's broye Earl, mother Adela is William I's fourth daughter. As the legal heir of Mulder refuses to rest both in the subsequent 10 years of continuous war, in the United Kingdom in most regions is in chaos. 1150, Mulder and Anjou Earl-born son Henry growing up, his mother was granted the title of Duke of Normandy. 1151, his father died, he and Anjou, Arris, closure of Earl Mann. He often went to the Palace of the King of France Louis VII, who pays, and the then Queen of Aquinas Dan Elina in love. Elina for devout and not keen on family life of Louis VII was dissatisfied, homeopathy and divorced, two months after she put her arms Henry, coupled with her band to territory, Henry hands have half the territory of France. Louis VII, who had to be let off Stefan, Normandy, but were defeated, 1153, Henry armies crossed the sea stefaan, offensive to Agency, agree with Henry as heir, 1154, Stefan's death, Henry ascended the throne, said Henry II (1154-1189 year in place), began United Kingdom history of Plantagenet (1154-1399). The dynasty of the Anjou dynasty was named. But because the coat of arms of twigs with cytisus, usually as a decorative people call it Plantagenet. At the time of Henry II of England, also possesses not only in France possessed of Anjou, Normandy, Mann, Prism, POIs are, Aquinas Dan, large tracts of land occupied France, equivalent to the then six times his territory, the situation on his Holiness quite negative. But Henry II is not actually control the territory, only by marriage, inheritance and other ways went up bag, from feudal principle is also a vassal of his Holiness. Henry II, the successor to rectify the feudal order, heavy-handed repression during excitement of large civil strife of the feudal Lord, dismantled they built 300 Castle, and appoint their own cronies who decided that all around. He also reformed the military system, the traditional feudal vassal each year to the King's military service for forty days, this is not conducive to long-term operation, have the throne for a feudal Lord's reliance on military force, he raised the Lord pay money to money shields form instead of military service, he then use that money to curtain set army. At the same time he also restored people, all equipped with the weapons of Lords freely, ready to play. In the legal sphere, he provides free man in the payment of a fee, after which you can cross the Lord of the Court of appeals directly to the King, Knight, public, and all the Lords may thus freed from the shackles of feudal lords judicial powers and therefore more support for the throne. He also used the "affidavits" instead of "God life referee method" that is, the King's roving judge adjudicating cases in place so that the local population to participate in the jury, the evidence, the jury is generally 12 civilians from Knight and rich, this expansion in the election of the King's Court, undermine the power of the local feudal lords Court, as the throne attract large numbers of supporters. This series of measures to strengthen the centralization reduces people's oppressors, was progressive. At the same time, the France of Louis VII Rouse, kingship and more consolidated. The war between Britain and France, as savings power to fight again, Henry II and Louis VII, who speak and Henry II's eldest son Henry and Louis VII's daughter got engaged, Louis VII took the opportunity to choose Remove parent-child relationship, Henry Prince was taken, and its parent down, others have followed the Prince, raised his army rebel. 1179, Philip II, Board Member, he period for France in a Royal territory expansion, kingship of strengthening the contribution made fruitful, "Augustus". 1187, Philip II defeated Henry II made Iraq Suman and Frette d'Arsonval, 1189 year in July, Philip II and his second son of Henry II and fought against Richard Henry II, forcing him to surrender and Grasset let and Philip II, when Henry II to see the list with his youngest son John's name was killed when the ghost. Since then the firstborn is dead, ascended the throne, his second son Richard is that Richard I (1189-1199 years old), he is the lion heart King, known as the "flower of medieval knights" the legend of Robin Hood and the Elvin-Dutch law will have him. Philip II of France that he hazards than Henry II, the contradiction between them gradually. 1190 years they company participated in the third crusade, Richard in expeditions in the meritorious distinguished by Philip II of jealousy. 1191, Philip II to disease as an excuse to return to France, and Richard young brother John (he is legend of Robin Hood and the Elvin superba "long-term and Charles Prince who acts) collusion, ready to United Kingdom territory in France, Richard was informed that the offensive message handing out back. Charlie is en route and his grudges very deep detained in Austria Duke pay ransom to be free. Richard II returned to the United Kingdom after collection of the armyInto France and intend to Philip II, a male and female, who in France of war is a rhythmic, every year a cease-fire, when weather and basic conditions allowed two army to war again. Later, Richard in en Seine corner deli near cliffs Office built a magnificent Castle, he referred to as "the beautiful castle", which provoked Philip II. Two forces reopened after another, Guild Wars, Richard may always unbeaten he to 1199, at Riad praise and a rebel of the killed unexpectedly-combat, Philip II, father desperate situation. Richard I of successive expeditions, when financial constraints caused by domestic discontent, generally, the feudal aristocrats forces comeback. 1199, throne, John. John ascended the throne, with strengthened monarchies, deprived strata, causing domestic each strata on the throne of deviation, Philip II also help John's next generation Bretagne Duke Arthur against John. 1200 years, John speaks with France and Normandy France were, of Tucson, El Follmer, Auvergne and several local Berry, John's niece Blanche? de? Castile married Crown Prince Louis France. Shortly thereafter, as John marries Aquinas Dan of Lusignan family Hugues Duke's fianc��e Isabella, and the family conflict. Philip II did not pass up this opportunity, a vassal relations regulating sovereign posture and command of the King John to France, John of course refused. In April 1204, Philip II to John for in absentia, deprived of his Kingdom in France all rights, French immediately into Normandy. 1204 year in summer, the two sides had Tommy �� battle of Jeroboam, the King took Normandy. 1204-1206, John and France's operations fail, "beautiful castle" is also lost, went on to lose the Anjou, Mann, Tulan, Brittany. United Kingdom Overseas Territories only Keane and Gasco, and some islands in the Straits. 1213 year, John and Church Archbishop for election and split, Pope Innocenti III wanted to intervene early Western European Affairs for the control of Western Europe, 1212, the Pope declared deposed John's throne, delegation of Philip II, John also confiscated church property return, but because of the domestic support, finally had to yield to the Pope, he, Innocenti III immediately turned and his protection, use him to contain Philip II. As a result of Philip II, the newly acquired the majority of the United Kingdom in France, large territories, its reputation in the continent's other forces do not want to see the balance is disturbed, so John soon and the Holy Roman Empire by the Emperor Otto I, Earl of Buddha Randall, Boulogne Earl alliances. In 1214, Southeast and Northwest them from two road attack France. Philip II use United Kingdom nobility for John's dissatisfaction with the first beat John Prince Louis and dispatched in United Kingdom, take the city of London, on the occasion of national survival, many previously joined Philip II's United Kingdom nobility and instead support John French final in the Pope's intervention in the United Kingdom, exit. From the battlefield to defeat France, John was a nobleman of the persecution in China, he and nobles in 1215, 15 June in a Thai well's River of Runnymede convened a meeting to discuss the Charter, June 19, the Charter was adopted. This is a field called decentralization of the autonomy of the feudal Lord and unified the throne, the United Kingdom strengthened monarchies of trend is a step backward, but as the situation changes, it has become the emerging bourgeoisie strive for free tool, because there are some former peers to win over civilian upper established baomin terms, this became the third grade and Royal power to fight the legal basis for the bourgeois revolution after the United Kingdom provides the theoretical basis of the earliest, as the "cornerstone" of the United Kingdom free. But John signed the Magna Carta "is only temporary and don't want to truly respected, he used the Pope on the Charter right to restrict the content of dissatisfaction and the aristocracy, the barons war simply support France Prince Louis-United Kingdom King, control over most of the region, John long to get active. 1216, John died of illness in the future, when his son Henry III (1207-1272, 1216-1272 years in bits) of the throne, a nine-year-old at the time of year. As supporting his ministers are virtuous, the domestic political situation started to settle down. 1223, Philip II, during his reign of France became Europe's richest and most powerful countries. His son Louis VIII throne, but was soon in 1226, the death of his son Louis IX, it throne. Many large noble France on his dissatisfaction, which sparked a civil war, Henry III, took the opportunity to participate in two occasions, his army invaded France, rate but the big aristocrats are France, Henry III, and the United Kingdom nobility contradictions, can draw on the strength of the finite, Santer battle road yijiu Sai-beat Henry III, signed a peace treaty. 1272, Henry III's death, the eldest son of Edward I (1272-1307, in bits, 1239-1307) ascended the throne. He participated in during the Crusades, in bits, conquered Wales as the eldest son of Edward, the Prince of Wales, later Prince of the United Kingdom should first blocked as the Prince of Wales. The great Charter in his rule to perfection, he created the "model Parliament." Need for expeditions, he reformed the United Kingdom's military, the formation of a well-equipped heavy armored cavalry, and make long bow soldiers become an important part of the army, because of its high, so called "long legs", he is the "brave heart" in the United Kingdom King. 1282, Edward I occupied Ireland. After this, Ireland was never broken intifada, until 1536, and 1542 joint act was enacted in England and Wales only in administrative, political and legal system as a whole. When the King of Scotland than Francis II hunting accident deaths in Scotland in a heir of the crisis, then inheritance is a well known as the "Nordic, Norway 14-year-old teenage girl", this young girl on the way in the returned result of perils of the sea and the dead�� And "girl" by blood Norway near Robert Bruce and Fabio Francis II blood near another noble started the fight for the throne, Edward I adopted a similar strategy, King of France, he supported forces in relatively weak another noble to fight against powerful Robert-Bruce, began to invade Scotland. Scottish nobles and civilian uprising after another, Edward I adopted Hardball. 1293 year, France and Britain's sailors in the event of a conflict between the English channel, causing Mach naval warfare. At the time of King Philip IV forced King Edward I made a symbolic concessions, 1294, Edward I declared war on France, the British began operations smoothly, victory. Then there was William Scotland-Wallace, he led the Scots army suffered setbacks, visited England team with more and more, he also took the Yorkshire in England. 1295, Philip IV and the conclusion and about Scotland, his annual funding Scottish 50000 pounds, Scotland annual 4 months in the war against the British. Scotland and the United Kingdom's war rose and fell, involve a large number of British troops in battle, the French began to win. Edward I no way, only to 1297, and France truce concentrate Scotland, Philip IV as and when the Buddha Randall combat disadvantage, coupled with the Pope's struggle, he also had to Armistice. Edward I returned to England after fully deal with William-Wallace, William-Wallace in 1299, defeated. When British and French both 1303 signed the Paris peace treaty, Philip IV the Gasco, returned to the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom's daughter Isabella marry Prince, the signing of the Treaty, was marked with nearly two centuries of war is over, the last two hundred years of the war both feel tired. William-Wallace after several years of guerrilla warfare in 1305, England troops seize, after being executed. 1306, Robert-Bruce (previously mentioned that Robert-Bruce's son) in Scotland, the traditional Coronation Andes Kang Palace ceremony, held on the Scottish King's throne. 1307, Edward I in Expeditionary Scottish Robert-Bruce died, when his eldest son Edward II (1307-1327, in bits, 1284-1329) throne, he was a wretched homosexuality. By his incompetence, Robert-Bruce in 1314, win the battle of param banloc, finally to gain its independence for Scotland, Edinburgh now stands at Robert-Bruce and William Wallace-statue. Edward II Queen--is subsequently referred to as "the mother wolf France" Isabella--into the Monte Mo Earl's arms. She was carrying his son Edward 1325 years back to France, and his brother King Charles IV �� at the time of the death of Philip IV, by his son Charles IV throne �� planning the overthrow of Edward II. 1326 years, she launched a coup d ' ��tat, the nation, 1327 years, she also manipulate Congress will Edward II deposed and exiled to South Wales. Two years later in Buckley Castle killing them. His son Edward III (1327-1377, in bits, 1312-1377) in 1327, the throne. 1330, he executed a MO, MO after chikamasa Earl, and imprisoned by their mother. Edward III in 1328, the recognition of Scottish independence, but the Scots and the United Kingdom's war has been going on for several centuries. (To be continued)
United Kingdom people of China _ sparks
Russian woman spy to seduce the Prince was really hot bed according to the United Kingdom is the exposure/photos _ tea freshwater
Hot bed photos by exposure/photos "TITLE =" a Russian woman spy to seduce the Prince hot United Kingdom bed as being exposure/photos "/> Chapman was deliberately planned to meet William finger (right) and Prince Harry. Information pictures hot bed photos by exposure/photos "TITLE =" a Russian woman spy to seduce the Prince hot United Kingdom bed as being exposure/group chart "/> nude Chapman on microscopic pictures only. Hot bed photos by exposure/photos "TITLE =" a Russian woman spy to seduce the Prince hot United Kingdom bed as being exposure/group chart "/> Chapman hot bed as being lover exposure Chapman, a close friend to the United Kingdom press claimed, when Anna was United Kingdom London life period, she often frequent visiting London famous burgis nightclubs, and her primary motivation is to be found in the nightclubs in Prince William or Prince Harry to break into the Royal family members social circles, even for Prince William or Prince Harry to" seduce ", will they seduced into her skirt of Chen! Additionally insiders claimed, Anna on instructions from their superiors of Moscow to seduce object also includes the United Kingdom's military intelligence chief John six incumbent �� base Mirrlees! frequently visit night club hope" Marian "United Kingdom Prince in 2005, when Anna was United Kingdom London life, she often frequent visiting West London famous burgis nightclub because the nightclub was Prince William and Prince Harry's favourite London nightclub, the Royal brothers often to the night club-night revelry, and Anna fisticuffs patronize burgis nightclub's main purpose is to be there to meet Prince William or Prince Harry, and then they cast her no one can stop, or even expand them in due time" seduce ", will they seduce her skirt of his close friends as this name!, Anna if you want the nightclubs and the two meet in private, the United Kingdom the Prince would not be difficult, because she and the General Manager of burgis nightclub Jack �� Parkinson-Smith has become acquaintances, both privately met several times, and Smith is the Prince William and Prince Harry scourge of" friends ", Anna if you want to know through the introduction of Smith two Prince was easy. Royal spokesman refused to comment on the military to investigate according to five, Anna tried to recognizing and seduce Prince William and Prince Harry, was she has and United Kingdom husband Alex �� Chapman after breaking up with empty stage of "feelings". But at that time, Prince William and Prince Harry due to frequent patronage burgis nightclub, Harry often make up and beauty a scandal with a night of drinking, make g Lawrence Palace and the United Kingdom's five officials on their security concerns. In July 2006, the Prince Charles and his two sons after a violent quarrel, as long as several months has been banned in their two sons to patronize burgis nightclub. For Prince William and Prince Harry may become Russia "Belle spy" Anna "seduce target" reported that a United Kingdom Royal spokesman refused to make any comments on this. However, the United Kingdom military officials have five on the matter was urgent investigations, want to know the two United Kingdom Prince then "security measures" for vulnerabilities. Hot bed photos by exposure/photos "TITLE =" a Russian woman spy to seduce the Prince hot United Kingdom bed as being exposure/group chart "/> Chapman hot bed as being a lover of exposure. Seduce target also includes military six top leaders in fact, not only would like to recognize and Anna "seduce" Prince of two United Kingdom, according to insiders claimed, Anna on instructions from Moscow boss of active seduce object also includes the United Kingdom's military intelligence chief John six incumbent �� base Mirrlees! according to insiders, 2007, Anna has to Russia Moscow city suburb of a "sleeper" spy school received a short training in training period, Russia Foreign Intelligence Department boss handed her a John �� base for more archives Mirrlees, and called her files use their charm penetration into the base of the inner circle MIRRLEES and collected various intelligence reporting to the Kremlin. Then the base Mirrlees remains United Kingdom Ambassador to the United Nations, he often live in the United States New York City to organise in the residence of love luxury party. But Anna is left London in 2007 to United States New York life, and where are engaged in the business of real estate business network. At present it is not clear what has driven Anna base Mirrlees core social circles. Than the "Bond girl" hot was lover photographed nude spy when Russia "Belle" Anna in the United States after his arrest, about her sexual scandal "various" report also disclosed the secret homing, were Anna's ex-husband, lover of her one-night stand. Anna 31-year-old former one-night stand lover Kester �� Parrington interview, said that he felt the Department Anna than any 007 movie "Bond girl" are hot. Kester memories that he is in a London South Kensington area, a stylish bar recognition of Anna 's, and then they went to a hotel in one night, when Anna and even allows the case to her took several photos naked pictures! Kester on this young beautiful one-night stand lover talking memorable, but when he next to the bar, after that they never met Anna. Until recently, Kester will find his missing years "mystery lover" suddenly all world media headlines, and for the first time that she turned out to be a Russia Spies
The rise of United Kingdom (3): the hundred years war and the centralization of _ unnamed
(Source: 2009-04-10, Phoenix network history channel) Anglo-French hundred years war (1337-1453, year) history Henry v (1387-1422) is welcomed by the then United Kingdom beloved monarch. The United Kingdom, the civil war frequently during his reign (1413-1422) has been temporarily consolidated and tranquillity, and festivals abroad. He led the British forces in Treasury (Agincourt) defeated the French one, for the sake of political interests, and France Princess Kay Sara Lynn Catherine. marriage, became King of France. Hundred years war is 1337 to 1453, occurred in the United Kingdom and France between large and small battle collectively. Medieval kings, United Kingdom and France through a series of alliances, have become the Kings of vast territories of France's major seal. 1346, King Edward III finally suggested that claim all of the French Kingdom in succession. 1328, France Kapelle dynasty, branch-menopause hualuo Watts family ��introduction Philip VI �� successor, King ��introduction of Edward III �� to Kapelle dynasty former King ��introduction Philip IV �� grandson, struggle for succession Kapelle dynasty. 1337, Edward III, King of France, Philip VI, then announced that the resumption of United Kingdom in all territories in France, sent troops occupation of Guyenne, hundred years war was up. In addition to the succession, the law in the territory of affluent Buddha Randall and the Aquitaine region, it is contested. The region and the United Kingdom economic exchanges. France, after occupying the place 1328 King Edward III banned the export of wool to the area. Buddha Randall region in order to ensure that raw materials sources, support for the United Kingdom's law, recognized Edward III as King of France, and the Buddha Randall's Supreme Lord, Britain and France, however deepen further the two countries led to war. The first phase (1337-1360, hidekatsu), British naval hard law 1340 Navy, 1346 Koehler West battle, British troops land gained an advantage. Truce 10 years later, battle in puwatiai (1356) was defeated again in French. United Kingdom people unlimited collection of dues and France fall completely within the economic damage, resulting in 1357 1358 Paris uprisings and revolts Zack Lei. 1360 France forced in Blekinge, signed a peace treaty, the Loire-so in the South of the Pyrenean mountain territories ceded to the United Kingdom. The second stage (1369-1380, the method is better), King Charles v (13641380 years in bits) of the consolidation of the tax system, adapted from the army. Replaced by domestic forces infantry, and establish some Knight militia groups and a new fleet of field artillery. Long cell-attached was appointed commander-in-Chief of the Army (Captain), and considerable power. Law military raids and guerrilla, gradually forced the British to coastal areas. In view of the domestic situation deteriorated, the United Kingdom and France sign armistice agreements. Phase III (1415-1424, hidekatsu), France was the first domestic Bo root and Oman Jacques party infighting, farmers and public uprising, the United Kingdom to restart a war. 1415 year, the British army in the battle to defeat ginkul French, hundred years ' war by the Treasury, the most famous battle, United Kingdom King Henry v army fighting forces exceeding its own several times of 30 000 French Cavalry-France, European best warriors. That morning, near France AIT ginkul village of narrow field, Henry v the army rank better fuss: archers in the flank, the middle is a shield. On this day, is France's disaster, and the glory of the United Kingdom. Henry v and alliances of Bo root first Duke of Northern France, with the assistance of occupation, forcing France to 1420 May 21 in Trois-the right to enter into mourning and humiliating, United Kingdom and France France became a part of it. King Henry v announced himself as France Regent, entitled King Charles VI of France to the throne after the death of inheritance. However, 1422, Charles VI, and Henry v have sudden death. Phase IV (1424-1453, the method is better), as the masses into the war, guerrilla warfare more intense, particularly in Normandy. Leadership of France against United Kingdom aggression is Joan of arc (Joan oftheArc). Joan of arc was born in France in the North of the champagne and Lorraine junction du column m village, 1428 years 3 times to show the Prince, Salvation plan. 1429 years 27 April, Prince letter she "war Commander". Her flag embroidered "Jesus and Mary", cross-rate of soldiers, three horses, four thousand, 8 may, the stranded more than a half year mark of Orleans. Then, many armies recapture of the northern territory. 1430 years in frontier town nearby battle, when Joan of arc and British troops were forced to return the city, the feudal Lord put her off outside the town, and finally to 4 million francs will she sold to the United Kingdom. 1431, 29/00, Joan of arc in kerlouan town were burnt alive, ashes is the Seine. Death, barely 20 years old. Joan of arc's death reignition France people indignation and patriotic, passion, under pressure from the people, the authorities of France, get the army reorganization 1437, 1441 recapture champagne in Paris, 1450 retaking Mann and Normandy, 1453 and Keane. 1453, 19 October, the British army in Bordeaux, at the end of the war party. United Kingdom history generation sagacious emperors Henry v to 35-year-old's short life, ending its peak times, to inherit the parent's position is that only nine-month-old Henry VI, sideway, Regency struggles, Foreign Ministers have been steadily losing the war, lost methodSoil. In France a century of war and war of the roses, Henry VI, the British Empire's internal and foreign policy, and gradually to the history of dark alley! 116 year one hundred years war, the awakening of national consciousness and France, Royal power further strengthened. United Kingdom experienced internal political disputes, and also establish centralized autocratic monarchy countries. In this war, the United Kingdom domestic forces over the feudal aristocrats France Knights to France for the first time the establishment of the Standing Commission. Infantry in the advancement of archers, cavalry lost past. (To be continued)
Sun-scorched small maid tossing upon her mattress United Kingdom competition winning weapon _ second South
Here is the Chinese Taipei players have Yani in 2010 "Ricoh" United Kingdom woman Open Championship on the equipment. A number of wood: Adams Speedline 9032LS (9.5 ��), equipped with Fujikura Motore F1 65g Rod fairway: Adams Speedline 3 wood (14 ��), equipped with Fujikura Rombax 6W06 rod: hybrid Rod Adams Idea a7 (19 �� and 22 ��), equipped with Fujikura Fit-On 270 iron rod (4-PW): Adams Idea Tech a4 with Nippon 950GH NS Pro Rod digs rod: Callaway X Tour (52 �� and 58 ��) pusher: TaylorMade Rossa Daytona AGSI: Titleist Pro V1x ball
The rise of United Kingdom (4): beat Spain on country road, _ unnamed
(Source: 2009 04 13 Phoenix network history channel) is established in the 16th century, the golden age of the West European countries. But this is not to say that these countries to speed up the internal development, but they have to go through the looting of the world, the world's wealth to their own prosperity. A mountain tolerate second Tiger, when two robbers put to the same place, fighting and war is inevitable. The 16th century, the feudal military colonial empire, Spain in the Western Hemisphere sabre-rattling monopolized the many areas of trade, its colonial forces across Europe, America, Africa, Asia and four continents. According to statistics, the year 1545-1560, Spain Navy from overseas back to gold is $ 5500 kg, silver 24.6 million kilograms. To the 16th century, the world of precious metal mining 83 per cent to Spain. In order to safeguard their sea transit and its interests in the overseas, Spain has set up a 100 more ships, the 3000 pieces of artillery, tens of thousands of soldiers of the great maritime fleet. Similarly, in the middle of the 16th century, the United Kingdom through the enclosure movement, bloody looting legislate, overseas, especially to overseas trade and an out-and-out piracy together, and with the support of the King was developing rapidly, while at the same time have a strong desire to external expansion. The expansion of the United Kingdom, the inevitable conflict with Spain. For Spain, the nature are not allowed to other countries in occupies him from colonial interests. The United Kingdom, as well as on the sea, robbery, plunder a serious threat to Spain on colonial monopoly, Spain's King Philip II of hatred. At first Philip II don't want to resort to force, his complicity with the United Kingdom Catholic forces, attempt to embrace the Catholic Queen Mary of Scotland United Kingdom throne on Rotary. To this end, he United Kingdom organization subversive activities. Mary in 1568, because Scotland coup and fled to the United Kingdom, by Elizabeth imprisoned. When the United Kingdom's Catholics in Spain's encouraged by stab Elizabeth and separate Mary, Mary Elizabeth flight executed. Philip II, murder, is determined to use force to conquer the United Kingdom. At that time, the United Kingdom by the sea strength is not powerful, and rivals Spain maritime fleet, can only rely on pirate chieftain Drake, howkins and cirelli, organization of pirate attacks in the sea, protecting the robbed vessels of gold and silver Spain means for piracy. And Philip II, but with a large group of fleet �� "invincible Armada". 1588 year end of may, the Spain "invincible Armada" billowed from Lisbon, expeditions, United Kingdom. When the "invincible Armada" total 134 ships crew of ships and sailors 8000 people, oar, many people, the slave ship laden 2.1 000 infantry. Obviously, Philip II is to leverage the advantages of Spain infantry, using traditional methods, collision, forcibly board enemy ships after the melee, and then capture the United Kingdom, the channel directly during a London. United Kingdom, acting preparations has been done, by Howard served as Commander of the Lord, Drake Vice handsome. The British army has a total of 100 ships, containing more than 9000 operational personnel, all of the crew and the sailor, not infantry. United Kingdom of Spain, though not as good as the battleship performance, but by howkins has improved, the hull is small, fast speed, maneuverability is strong, and the number and range of the guns. This ship can escape Spain range near heavy artillery shelling of, and in the distance on the enemy fired to gun advantage for winning. August 6, the "invincible Armada" reached France Galera, parked at sea, and the Buddha of the Western army contact Randall. Since the latter failed to arrive, reunion plans fall through, and the British warship trailing, cannot wait to go. The second day, evening, dusk, clouds, sea blows strong easterly, Spain crew have to sleep. United Kingdom men, fertilizing tricks provided with old boat light boat full of inflammable substances, hull covered with asphalt. 6 the wind-down fire dragon, galloping to Spain fleet. Suddenly, a fire, flaming, "invincible Armada" chaos, in broken cable when the boat sails from dreadful mess, the sinking of many ships collided, burned. 8 August, two armed forces in the North Sea Galera campaign. Spain warships, towering over the water, spectacular, but not working well, although the number and tonnage of the dominant, but become United Kingdom warship shelling of zeroed. obvious targets United Kingdom battleship action light, in a distant artillery, fire and cool funky, beat "invincible Armada" many ships have shot burst into flames. Spain to the British warship shelling and shooting, but not life-British warship, as far as possible, avoid entering United Kingdom ships Spain artillery range, in the distance and flexible delivering activities freely. This distance as well so that Spain fleet infantry and heavy artillery could not be fully functional. Fierce conflict lasted all day, until both sides until exhaustion, the bombardment of ammunition. The "invincible Armada" was playing Sevens, two minutes fleet flagship shot, hit, a fleet commander captured. The rest of Spain ships riding the wind to the North on the run, ready to bypass the Scotland, Ireland. With the onslaught of the stampede of Spain fleet sell up, more unfortunate is encountered in the sea after two great turmoil, the vessel capsized. Many soldiers, sailors were waves rushed to the West coast of Ireland, was killed by British forces. In October to 1588, "invincible Armada" only 43 boats damaged vessel returns to Spain, to near-disastrous outcome fiasco. The British warship no losses, dead sea sailor only 100 or so. Br > yingxi Galera sea battle of that ship's flexible and artillery superiority has replaced the former naval battle of close combat, boarded the ship of foot soldiers, war from a completely new structure. This time the sea battle is essentially from the United Kingdom after colonialism and old colonial Spain a decisive battle between. United Kingdom sea victory, defeat the most powerful opponent, the hands from Spain won the hegemony of the sea, from obtaining hegemony. Spain is due to the "invincible Armada" flooded and the dead, from this decline. As the United Kingdom achieved supremacy at sea, so it was a only small isolated island of millions of people to be the world's number one colonial empire, and later centuries maintained the world "in the first power" and the "seas" status. It under its Cannon Lee, unscrupulous, throughout the world tyranny. 16 th century, the United Kingdom sent a fleet of several times to invasion swept the West Indies. Then, the United Kingdom began to organize the colonization of North America. 1607, 3 United Kingdom boat voyage to North America, in today's Jamestown Virginia coastal establishment, which is the United Kingdom in North America's first permanent colonies. United Kingdom settlers predatory, erode Indian lands in North America's Atlantic coast gradually colonization, soon began selling Blacks from Africa swept into North America, where slaves working to extract wealth. From the black slave trafficking, United Kingdom also grab a huge bloody profits. In the second half of the 16th century, the United Kingdom, feeble and unprecedented prosperity, economic production continues to grow, prosper, London has become the International Centre for trade and credit. 1500 years, London about 5 million people, over a century, its population increased to the original 5 times, but also continues to grow. This prosperity was based on its own working people and colonial people's blood and above. Marx said: "capital came to this world, from head to toe, every pore is dripping with blood and dirt. " Elizabeth I (ElizabethI, 1533, born September 7, namely today GMT London Greenwich, 1603, 24, died in Surrey), November 17, 1558-1603 March 24 the Kingdom of England and Ireland Queen, Tudor fifth and last monarch. Her lifelong never married, so called "virginity Queen". She ascended the throne when England in internal religious split of chaos, but she has not only succeeded in maintaining the unity of England, and after nearly half a century of rule, make the England become the most powerful in Europe, one of the richest countries. England culture during this period reached a peak that emerged such as Shakespeare, Francis �� Bacon such famous people. United Kingdom in the North American colonies were established during this period began. Her reign period in the history of the United Kingdom were called "Elizabethan", also known as the "golden age". Childhood Elizabeth was born in London of the presen Greek Palace, she was Henry VIII and his second King Houanni �� Bolin's only surviving child. Because her parents were married by Protestant religious, Catholic thought she was a girl. Her birth was designated as heir to the throne, her half sister Mary as she waited. Elizabeth was three years old, her mother convicted of treason and sentenced to a year after Henry VIII and his third wife Jane �� Seymour, gave birth to a boy: Edward. Elizabeth and Mary are Edward's servants. Henry later Queen have two princesses are very good, Henry I also usually focus their growth, they are well educated, a reliable friend and partner of the same age. 1547 years after the death of Henry, his last Queen Catherine �� PAL and her new husband Thomas �� Seymour (he is Jane �� Seymour's brother, the new King Edward VI's uncle) conservation of Elizabeth. Seymour was young Elizabeth, his wife died, he was going to marry her, but he and his brother Edward �� Seymour subsequently in a series of rights struggle was executed. Elizabeth is a very good education, her teachers include United Kingdom Renaissance famous humanist Roger �� ascain. She received classical, history, mathematics, poetry and language education. During her reign, she was able to speak and write in six languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek. Catherine �� PAL and her other teachers of Elizabeth became a Protestant. Prior to her brothers, her position relatively stable, but Edward 1553 by tuberculosis or arsenic poisoning and death. Jane �� Dorian only nine days Queen, was her house accomplices Ong, and was subsequently overturned on stage of Mary I executed. Mary is a devout Catholic, she forced Elizabeth converted to Catholicism. Elizabeth on the surface, while the ban, but the inside is still a Protestant. Mary on this very dissatisfied. There was a brief period of time was put into even Elizabeth Tower of London. Some people think that she is here about her later lover Lester �� Robert Earl of Dudley, but more likely, they met in childhood. Elizabeth insured life, Mary and the Kingdom of Spain's King Philip II's wedding makes England return increases the likelihood of the Catholic Church, the people of England and nobles were very dissatisfied. 1558, Mary no child died, Elizabeth became her legal heir. United Kingdom Parliament reiterated the King Henry VIII as heirs under Elizabeth. Coronation R > Elizabeth in 1559, 1, 15, was crowned in Westminster Abbey, the Queen had her status is very unstable. Her Coronation day was the United Kingdom, the famous mathematician and astrological scholar John �� Dee pick, it is said that it was particularly propitious. To her Coronation is CARIS-Bishop, he was in church circles can find the highest recognition of her legal status. The same year she had signed to end war in Italy-Campo with Ricardo Gil Treaty. Political Elizabeth 44 years of rule United Kingdom religious differences of struggle against very strong. 1530 years Henry VIII and the Catholic Church established United Kingdom break. Edward VI's short reign Anglican doctrine has become increasingly sophisticated. Mary rule the Church lost its dominance. Elizabeth regained the status of the Church. In Elizabeth's first two years of reign, she published the Decree of the Supreme Law and single, King is the highest leaders of the Church. Although she attempted to religious extremism to find a compromise between the way to go, but she is undoubtedly a Protestant. Especially in Ireland Catholic and the other is considered a pagan who was persecuted. William �� Cecil is her closest political adviser, Cecil she has founded the Cedar Lee Lord this title. 1598, Cecil died, his son Robert �� Cecil became the closest Advisor Elizabeth, but Robert fall far short of achieving its father. Her management institutions in another important person is Sir Francis �� Hua XING Han. Huaxing Han in the whole of Europe has established a spy network. He can guarantee that all of the Queen's plot is his knowledge. The problem heir on Elizabeth biggest criticism is that she did not provide an heir. Others thought she'd married, there are many people who pursue her, including her former brother-in-law, Spain's King Philip, and her pet's Earl of Leicester. Many people think that Lester count was her lover. Elizabeth is very wise to avoid them. A few years later, when her reign has been consolidated, people are increasingly obvious to see that she is not married. When someone asked her why she never married, she referred to her sister in the reign of her situation. At that time, she is Mary taboo, but rebels as Thomas �� White Knight also took advantage of her name. Therefore she wisely realized that if she specifies a heir, her position will be weakened, but this one can give her enemies provide a stimulus, because they can use this heir to oppose her. But there is no heir of England passed away in her circumstances from time to time into civil war. 1562 years she was suffering from smallpox almost killed when it became very obvious. In a time of Elizabeth had seriously considered married. But a Catholic's husband is obviously impossible, but a Protestant's husband as the Earl of Leicester will immediately increase the sectarian struggle within the Palace. Whether she selected who will not be a good result. Regardless of her personal inclinations, she was the situation that any transmission of these considerations can not be achieved. She was with some of the potential heirs, but Elizabeth on all of them. She's the Queen Mary of Scotland table niece �� Stuart is a Catholic. In her Kingdom from Scotland, and even after that before leaving she has been a very likely successor. Mary be removed after Elizabeth although accepted her, but she is imprisoned Mary to protect Mary could not threaten her position. Mary's son James was still a child, he has not been tested before he also will not be taken into account. Other candidates are unlikely. Elizabeth is one of the partners, Kum �� Greta leijon sister Catherine �� Mrs. Greta leijon because contrary to the wishes and get married Elizabeth angered Elizabeth. Catherine �� gray �� gray of Sister Mary is a carrying back a dwarf. Elizabeth had always hoped that Mary I of Scotland will ban according to Protestant and find a husband of Elizabeth considers reliable, so her in jail in England, Mary will be her successor issues postponed again. At the same time she continued to have the possibility of marriage. She had considered in France many Prince to find a husband. The first recommendation is better than her small 20-year-old Duke Henry of Orleans (later Henry III), the then King Charles IX's brother. When this proposal was rejected after she also considered his younger brother alencon Duke Francois. However, Francois of thinned to the plan or went bankrupt. Last year 1571 is eligible to be her successor of England, Catherine �� Dorian, died. Elizabeth was forced to reconsider the Scottish Queen Mary. Elizabeth recommends Mary and Leicester, Earl married Mary rejected this proposal. But then Mary's son James has been affected by the Protestant education. 1570, his Holiness convince Elizabeth let Mary returned to Scotland. But Elizabeth made many demanding requirements, one of which is to make James left in England. But her advisers Cecil or continue to try to help Mary back to Scotland. But the Scots refused to accept the old Queen, therefore attempted. Religious tolerance end justified at this point the new Pope asylum v 1570, from 25 February to eliminate Elizabeth's membership. This enables Elizabeth unable to continue her religious tolerance policy. At the same time her enemies on herThe plot also made her very angry. 20 years, Mary has always tried not to Elizabeth challenge. But when she lost her Catholic sympathizers of conspiracy. These conspiracy orchestrated is Anthony �� Babington, whose aim is to rescue her from Elizabeth Mary and replaced. On Elizabeth, this is a great place to eliminate the enemy. 1587, she executed Mary (it is said that she was not prefer this command). And Spain's war Elizabeth to France's Protestant Henry IV provides military and money to make his throne for France. In the eight years of war in the Netherlands of Protestant Orense dead Prince William I (silence) to provide the army to let his revolt against Spain. Not only so, 1568, Frank �� Drake and John Hawkins �� Jazz led a trafficker slave fleet was seriously injured after Spain, the Royal Navy's fleet of Spain brought Choi has constantly been England pirate plunder. Spain's King Philip II's decision to Mary's death as an excuse to invade England to defeat England to Spain in the European continent and in its overseas colonies challenges. 1588 year September a big storm and Elizabeth's Navy generals beat Spain has sent the invincible Armada. Nevertheless, Spain 1589, defeated a larger England counterattack fleet. This war has continued to play in 1604, the two sides sinal, whether at sea or on land in England and cannot prevail. From 1594, in Ireland also a guerrilla war broke out. Elizabeth last years's pet Chen �� Robert Devereux, he is the adopted son Earl of Leicester. She even forgave his misdemeanours, but Robert 1601, participated in a field in the riots, Elizabeth had to be executed. Death Elizabeth never married, she's dead end Tudor. In her later years, when she had to determine her heirs, she increasingly her nephew, she executed Scottish Queen Mary's son James. But she never officially named his successor. 1603 on March 24, she died in Surrey Richmond Palace columns. She was buried in Westminster. Her successor is James I. The James had become the James VI of Scotland. At this time, England and Scotland and into a monarch, Stuart's reign, began the process of reunification of Britain's first step-the Royal United, England and Scotland continues to be internationally recognized as two countries, two countries continue to maintain their own independent Government. She died 50 years later, the United Kingdom bourgeois revolution broke out, the United Kingdom became a short-lived Republic. United Kingdom culture Elizabethan era is the United Kingdom as an important cultural development. Literature, particularly poetry and drama has entered a golden age. United Kingdom study on other continents, particularly American survey has entered a new phase. Like her father, she is also engaged in writing and translation, she personally translated Horace's "the art of poetry. Some of her speech during his lifetime and has been handed down since the translation works. Elizabeth of prestige