
United Kingdom forecast: 10 future technology products _ on the road

According to the United Kingdom New Scientist "magazine in the latest issue of prediction, the following ten new tech products is expected in the next 30 years, from the laboratory into the millions, become like mobile phone the same general merchandise. The top ten technology including the can penetrate the wall of the appliance, Harry Potter invisible cloak, with people of Spider-man climbed feiyanzoubi wall equipment, Superman's personal aircraft, private spacecraft and smell the odor of the TV. Some people think that these predictions were too fantastic, and I couldn't believe it. But let's rewind 30 years time, 1979 when Japan company NET successfully developed the world's first mobile phone networks, many people think that holding the phone side line edge stresses is impossible, but now the mobile phone has become a must-carry goods and people. With the development of technology, who said that dreams can come true? United Kingdom the daily post in detail these "10 great future technological products": 1, human generator now almost everyone has a cell phone, iPod, and other electronic products, but about cell phones or listening to the iPod battery is a little longer, no electricity, and the people outside, and not charging,? what if human movement at power, it would be wonderful! now scientists have in this laboratory. United States Georgia Institute Scientist Wang Chung Lam (transliterated), the use of nanotechnology and piezoelectric effect to produce electricity, successfully produced a mixture of fine metal wire for power generation clothing fibers. Whenever a fiber is extruded or buckling, can produce electricity. The so-called piezoelectric effect, when the times when certain substances can produce electricity. Wang Chung Lam made with zinc oxide nano-wire wrapped each textile fiber, when people put on such a suit, as long as the wind blows, or slight vibration power generation have been high enough to make clothes. At present, the technology is still in the laboratory stage, when the technology is mature, it may at any time to charge for mobile phone and iPod. 2, partition perspective legendary immortal or Superman has the ability to partition a perspective view, after watching through wall. But now the scientists are using radio waves, this fantasy. United Kingdom Cambridge consultants Corporation uses radio waves can penetrate object characteristics, developed only Briefcase-size x-ray detection system: the device will Prism200 emits an ultra wide bandwidth of pulse wave, can penetrate through the thick walls of up to 40 cm or substances, reconnaissance 15 m in any activity that would help the police surrounded the kidnappers, can detect estates kidnappers and the location of the hostages. Germany Munich researcher even invented a device, even across the door, just launch a section 433 MHz with 24 GHz between radio waves, can detect door man breathing and heartbeat, micro-activities. 3, feiyanzoubi film in the Spider-man, the skyscraper wall feiyanzoubi. Now this fantasy has been a scientist with a strong adhesive equipment to implement against gravity attraction. Scientists from Gecko foot structure principle inspiration. Gecko can climb walls, and depend on each foot of 200 000 root hairs, resulting in the formation of micro electrostatic, a very strong adhesive force. University researcher bangem (AndreGeim), design a Gecko toe hairs by substances, just one square cm size, used in gloves and boots, has been able to support the weight of 1 kg; Italy Politecnico researcher Pino (NicolaPugno) in combination with nano-technology, made from a pair can support 10 kg respectively weight gloves. As technology improved, and everyone acts as Spider-man's dream come true soon. 4: artificial gills human left oxygen could not survive, diving with optical oxygen cylinder of compressed air to go ashore, cannot like Mermaid that can live in the land, but also traveling in the bottom. But once the human design artificial gills, travel will not be a problem in Dragon Palace. Japan Fuji Corporation (FujiSystems) to Silicon film developed by artificial gills, gas liquid by, but are not permeable to oxygen in the water treatment, and discharge of carbon dioxide, like Gill. There are divers succeeded in 2002 with artificial gills remain underwater for 30 minutes. Because the sea only 1.5% oxygen, artificial gills by oxygen too little, not the human breath. Israel scientists used battery-driven high-speed centrifuge, seawater after decompression can release more oxygen to divers in diving, although not with oxygen cylinders, but also carrying a battery and decompression meter. 5, instant translation for United States SRI companies have troops in Iraq has developed a sound identification and Department of IraqComm translation software, when people speak Arabic microphone the computer immediately translated into English, and read the translation. United States University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon Scientists also developed similar system called Speechalator, can be used for personal Palm, PDA (PDA). Despite the current vocabulary is limited, but the US and Iraq IraqComm on human communication help greatly. 6, stealth clothing at all times and are renowned for human dreams of owning, or even like Harry Potter invisible cloak of that also. A human can see because the object is blocked light through objects, if the material is covered with a layer of a special material negative refractive index, theoretically, can make the light unobstructed forward, so the objects visually disappeared. Now the technology is not the invisible man, but it is possible to design an invisibility cloak. Last year, the United States, Duke University claims to have made may distort the light of the "hyper-material" (metamaterials), this invisible material from a large number of artificial materials like glass to parallel arrangement composition, reflection of electromagnetic waves, refracted through changes to obscure objects. Now researchers have successfully expanded the range of light can be blocked, greatly enhance the ability of the masked object. Hyper-material not only manufacture of invisibility, also is expected to be applied in optical communications, optical fiber made, estimated to be present on the Internet for at least ten times faster. 7, personal aircraft aircraft were many scientists as the paragon of modern technology. Do not rely on the aircraft, one can fly? in the 1920s when there was a development of personal air vehicle, to the 1960s, it was designed to fly a 30-second personal aircraft until 2008, the New Zealand Martin aircraft company developed MartinJetpack (map), personal air vehicles are no longer science fiction. MartinJetpack equipped with two Turbo-Jet engine, gasoline-driven,A tank of petrol sufficient for 30 minutes, approximately 50 km flight. And aircraft with parachute, accident afraid. The aircraft up to tens of thousands of dollars selling prices, the fastest in the second half of this year is expected to have the goods shipped. 8, personal spacecraft in addition to private aircraft, some people still want to have private spacecraft, floating into space at anytime to view the full moon. General spacecraft expensive fuel in the GUI. General launch a rocket, fuel charges will have 1 million. United States engineers El Labo (LeikMyrabo) has devised a new method without fuel. El Labo has been committed to the microwave. He plans to use terrestrial laser light to light the spacecraft's bottom, produce explosive plasma to spacecraft shot into the sky. It is expected that by the year 2025, the cost of the new method will be the current 1/1000. 9, hand-held ultrasonic therapy for people with medium Kung Fu martial can work for people, because his work is full of high energy substances, such as ultrasonic, etc. The medical profession has Ultrasonic application for pregnant women check the fetus, but will be used to cure diseases, ultrasonic wave became a new form of surgery. University of Washington Professor Klum (LawrenceCrum) has successfully developed a portable scanning devices, through the release of low-energy of ultrasound, scan damaged blood vessels of the vascular bleeding phenomenon, the device will then release a high energy, high ultrasonic produce seals blood vessels. He will be on treatment for clinical testing. 10, smell the air of TV you believe?, future TV apart from sound, colour can smell. The smell of the human brain consists of 30 multiple classes, such as odor, scent, scent grass, etc. As early as the 1990s there has been a company initially developed artificial scent technology, capable of processing almost all daily smell or odor. But television with screen of transform, how to prevent different smell mixed into another, and how to prevent odor lingering not powder, mix with SONY Japan picture? company is: avoid nose straight attack the brain. In its patent, SONY direct stimulation of the human brain with ultrasonic specific parts of the audience or gamers that smell a smell. But this technology has a very original way, the future is still relatively long.

