
WTO World Trade Organization (WTO) _ Lu Hong-

The WTO is the English abbreviation of the WTO. Is an independent international organization of the United Nations permanent. 1 January 1995, officially began operation is responsible for managing the world economy and trade order, with headquarters in Switzerland Geneva Leman. The WTO is to have the legal status of international organizations, members of the conciliation of disputes with higher authority. The WTO and the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and is known as a world economic system of the "three pillars". Otherwise, the World Tourism Organization, the Warsaw Treaty Organization, the world toilet tissue is also referred to as the WTO. The WTO was established on 1 January 1995. With its headquarters in Geneva. 1 January 1996, it officially replaced GATT temporary agencies. Its predecessor is 1947 of the General Agreement on tariffs and trade. Compared with the GATT and WTO covering trade in goods, trade in services and intellectual property, trade, and the GATT is only applicable to merchandise trade in goods. At present, the WTO's trade account for 95 per cent of world trade. The current Director is a former member of the EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy �� (France), September 2005. Its purpose is to promote economic and trade development, to improve standards of living, ensure full employment, protection of real income and effective demand growth; depending on the goal of sustainable development, rational use of the world's resources, expansion of production and services; achieve mutually beneficial agreements, drastically reducing and eliminating tariffs and other trade barriers and the Elimination of discrimination in international trade. As of the end of December 1999, the Organization member-135, the current Director is a former member of the EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy ��. WTO as formal international trade organizations in law and the United Nations and other international organizations on an equal footing. His responsibilities in addition to the original GATT multilateral trade agreements of the Organization and provision of multilateral trade negotiations and serve as a forum, you are responsible for the periodic review of its members ' trade policies and for the integrated treatment of trade between the members and is responsible for strengthening the dispute with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank cooperation in order to achieve coherence in global economic policy-making. WTO agreements range from agriculture to textiles and clothing, from services to government procurement, from the rules of origin to the intellectual property rights, etc. The WTO's highest decision-making authority is the Ministerial Conference, held at least every two years. Consists of the General Council and the Secretariat, is responsible for the WTO Conference and work everyday. The General Council with trade in goods, non-trade in goods (services), intellectual property rights, three Council and the trade and development, budget committees. The General Council also consists of trade policy verification agency, he supervised various Committee and is responsible for the drafting of a national policy assessment reports. The United States, European Union, Japan, Canada every two years, drafting a policy assessment report on the most developed 16 countries once every four years, every 6 years for developing countries. The Court of appeal is responsible for the differences among members. Compared to its predecessor GATT and WTO covering trade in goods, trade in services and intellectual property, trade, and the GATT knowledge for commodity trade in goods. WTO is an international trade organization, the purpose of its establishment is to be fair, equitable treatment of all trading activities in the dispute, the establishment of mutually beneficial and healthy international trade order. However, in the United States to the EU exports use hormone beef in this case, it is not difficult to find though WTO constantly improve its Regulations Act, but there are still a number of countries and economies, for various reasons, to find all sorts of excuses to not comply with the terms of trade. Although some authoritative certification bodies can experiment to prove that the trade products fully comply with the requirements, but the trading parties is still going through some other factors that control trade. WTO: the history of 15 April 1994 in Morocco, Marrakech, held at the GATT Uruguay Round of the Council of Ministers decided to set up a more global World Trade Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the WTO", WorldTrade Organization-WTO), to replace was founded in 1947 GATT (GATT). The establishment of the WTO's vision is to be held July 1944 in Bretton Woods Conference, vision in setting up the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, the establishment of an international trade organizations, enabling them to become after the second world war about the world economy "money-financial-trade"-one of the institutions. In 1947 the United Nations Conference on trade and employment, signed by the Havana Charter agreed to the establishment of the WTO, and later as the opposition of the United States, the WTO could not be established. The same year, the United States launched the elaboration of the GATT, as implementation of the interim agreement on trade liberalization. In 1986 the GATT Uruguay Round negotiations after launch, the European Community and Canada in 1990 respectively filed a motion to set up the World Trade Organization (WTO), in April 1994 in Morocco Marrakech GATT Ministerial Conference before a formal decision on the establishment of the WTO. China and the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, 11 July, the WTO General Council meeting decided to accept China as the organizations; September 2001 12 to 17 April, the WTO Working Group on China's 18th meeting, held in Geneva, the Conference adopted the WTO multilateral file submitted to the General Council for its consideration. Conference announced the end of the Chinese working group. 10 November 2001, the World Trade Organization Doha Conference approved for full membership in China. China's accession to the Organization, 143 States. 11 December 2001, China became a member of the WTO. Members of the WTO members are divided into four categories: developed members, developing and transition economies and least developed members. In January 2007, Viet Nam became a WTO member section 150. WTO member profile �� Europe Germany France United Kingdom Sweden Switzerland Spain Netherlands Norway Austria Belgium Denmark Finland Greece Hungary Iceland IrelandItaly Luxembourg Malta Portugal Romania New Caledonia in the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland of the Principality of Liechtenstein Albania Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Slovakia Slovenia Estonia Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Moldova �� Asia China Japan Korea Philippines Singapore �� Macau China Kuwait Pakistan Thailand Turkey in Myanmar, the Maldives, Bangladesh China Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel �� United Arab Emirates, Qatar Bahrain Brunei Darussalam Korea Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Republic of Mauritius, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Jordan Kuwait Mongolia Oman �� North America United States Dominica Canada Mexico Cuba Trinidad and Tobago Jamaica Nicaragua Honduras Haiti Guatemala El Salvador Republic Dominican Costa Rica Belize Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Nicaragua, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Republic of Panama in South America, Colombia, Venezuela �� Guyana, Suriname, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina �� Africa Morocco Egypt Kenya, C?te d'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Congo, the Gambia, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Central Africa Cameroon, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Angola, Malawi, Mauritania, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Republic of Namibia, the Kingdom of Lesotho Kenya Morocco Congo Djibouti Guinea �� Oceania Australia New Zealand, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, the basic concepts of ?WTO's core: the promotion of trade liberalization. Basic principles of the basic principles of the WTO is reflected in its various agreements, agreements, notably: (1) the MFN principle: refers to goods, services, trade, a member of any given other privileges and benefits of membership, are required to immediately and unconditionally to all members. (2) the principle of national treatment: is the expropriation domestic taxes and implement domestic regulations, members of the imported products, foreign enterprises and services and national products, business, service to non-discriminatory, non-discrimination. Should be strictly speaking a foreign goods or services and importing countries domestic goods or service is the principle of equal treatment. (3) the principle of mutual benefit (also known as a right and duty of balance). WTO agreement is based on the management of the rights and obligations of the principles of overall balance, this balance is achieved by members of the mutual benefit to open market access commitments, that is what interests me, I'm calculating how many tangible benefits to you. To mutual preferential treatment to maintain the balance of trade, for the realization of trade liberalization. Mutual bilateral and multilateral, including mutual reciprocity. (4) the principle of expanding market access. Members of the WTO to advocate for the rights and obligations on the basis of the balance, in accordance with its own economic conditions, through negotiation, the decreasing tariff and cancel non-tariff barriers, gradually opening up the market and trade liberalization. (5) promote the principles of fair competition and trade. WTO to prohibit members of dumping or subsidies and other unfair trade means disrupting normal trade practices and allow for the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy trade remedy measures to ensure that international trade is conducted on the basis of equity. (6) encourage the development and economic reform principles. WTO finds that developed members need to know to promote development in the Member's export trade and economic development, thus driving the whole world trade and economic development. Therefore, the agreement allows developing members in related areas of trade, not on the basis of reciprocity of obligations. (7) the principle of transparency in trade policy and regulation. Requirements for members of the management will be implemented in the foreign trade of the laws, regulations, administrative rules and judicial decision to be published, such as rapidly, so that other members of the Government and trade operators be familiar with the members of the Government; or governmental agencies sign of international trade policy in the existing agreements and treaty should also be published; members shall in its territory unity, justice and reasonably implement the laws, regulations, administrative rules and regulations, judicial decisions, etc. Our rights and obligations--rights: all WTO members to provide the most-favoured-nation treatment; all WTO members to provide national treatment; direct participation in the international multilateral trade rules; obtain a stable, transparent and predictable multilateral trading system. �� Obligations: to comply with the principle of non-discrimination; the gradual reduction of tariffs to developing countries; the progressive liberalization of trade in services; repeal and stop implementation and WTO rules that are incompatible with the laws, regulations and rules. Accept the WTO for consideration. Our education commitment September 1986 the start of the GATT Uruguay Round negotiations for the first time will be included in the negotiations on trade in services. Education is 12 trade in services in a large class. Trade in educational services and other types of services, presence of cross-border delivery, consumption abroad, commercial presence and movement of natural persons, 4 types of service delivery. 2000 years ago, at the time of 128 of WTO members, there are 30 members of the conclusion of the agreement on trade in educational services, but their commitment to education services. China's WTO commitments to education services is part of the undertaking of specific content as follows: in a project onNot including military, police, politics and party school, special education and compulsory education, the above areas not open to the public. In addition to these special areas and compulsory education, we at the elementary, secondary, higher and adult education and other educational services, and other five projects that promised to provide me the license foreign educational services. In the education service delivery, on cross-border delivery of education services is not made commitments; to overseas education makes no limit consumption; allow commercial presence, that is, allow Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools, but not necessarily to give national treatment; the movement of natural persons commitments with certain qualifications, offshore personal education service providers should China school or educational institution appointed or invited to come to China to provide educational services. Therefore, China's accession to the WTO's education services is committed to making our education faces many new developments. Our commitment to education: basic ideas can be summarized as 21311. �� Two not including �C excluding's compulsory education and special education services (such as military, police, politics and school education, etc.). ? A commitment to cross-border delivery of market access and national treatment commitments have been made (as a result, foreign organisations through distance education, to provide educational services to our citizens, our country can completely autonomously decided to open up the scale, not subject to the WTO Agreement), cross-border delivery of educational services, education providers and students do not flow in their respective countries, education and training through the Internet or long-distance course implementation. �� Three allowed--(1) allow Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools, foreign ownership available to most, but not committed national treatment; (2) consumption abroad; (3) allow the movement of natural persons, conditionally, the national treatment commitments. �� A pricing �� elementary, secondary and higher education services Government pricing. �� A no-education no transition period. The benefits of joining the WTO will further stimulate 1, masses of the demand for education, promote education 2 further opening-up, better learning abroad experience 3, to attract foreign capital and high-quality educational resources that supplement the lack of educational resources, promote the development of education; 4, in the field of education to introduce new competition mechanism, promoting our country's education reform, making our education more adapted to the requirements of the Socialist market economy, to go with the educational development of the world; 5, on Administration asking for more, promote administrating level. WTO and comrade Jiang joint ventures in China's accession to the preamble of the "Handbook on knowledge writes:" the WTO, China while enjoying its rights to adhere to the World Trade Organization basic rules and agreements, protocols, and effectively perform external commitments, the corresponding obligations. "In order to meet the WTO, the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures Act 2001, March 15, second amendment, other relevant laws and regulations are also stepping up amending. Since China has 11 December 2001 accession, as well as the rapid development of the situation at home and abroad, our joint venture contract writing should align with the WTO rules. 1. practice the principles and the basic principles of the WTO agreement are non-discrimination (Nondiscrimination), transparency (Transparency), free trade (Freetrade), fair competition (Faircompetition), most-favoured-nation treatment (Most favorednation), the national treatment principle (Nationaltreatment). In these principles, and joint ventures between most closely is free trade principles and the principle of national treatment. The so-called "national treatment" refers to the other members of the party's product, service or service provider and the intellectual property owner and the holder of the treatment, not lower than the domestic similar product, service or service provider and the intellectual property owner and the holder of the treatment. Therefore, in all of China on Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, its contract writing must be above these basic principles. WTO agreement, involving a wide range of areas, and joint ventures between most closely is the TRIMs Agreement. The so-called "trade-related investment measures" (Trade-relatedinvestmentmeasures "TREM), its purpose is to prevent certain investment measures may result in trade restrictions and distortions in the domestic and foreign investment, the progressive realization of trade liberalization, the promotion of international trade development. An important part of this agreement, including the prohibition on foreign investment enterprises, local content requirements (Localcontent requirement), foreign exchange balance requirements (Foreign exchange balancingre-quirement), domestic sales calls (Domestic salesrequire-ment), etc. Therefore, we drafted every venture contract, must pay particular attention to and the TRIMs Agreement provisions in practice. 2. the terms of the contract on writing principles and as a result of WTO agreements, our laws and regulations, a joint venture between the rights and obligations are required through the signing of a contract for joint ventures can, therefore, the terms of the contract is essential for writing. The author believes that the enterprise the original writing of certain contractual terms is inconsistent with WTO rules, it should be overwritten. This article will overwrite the contents of these terms and the examples below for reader reference to: (1) local content requirements (Local contentrequirement), usually requires the purchase of their joint venture of raw materials, machinery, spare parts, fuel, etc., thereby limiting its procurement to foreign countries. (2) foreign exchange balance requirements (Foreign exchange balancingrequirement), is called the foreign joint ventureMeeting budget balance to protect its trade deficit will not appear. (3) domestic sales calls (Domestic salesrequirement), is a joint venture of certain products in the domestic market sales or sales ratio and price, to protect their own interests. (4) other restrictions require that, in addition to the above three are on the company's other restrictive requirements: A. production management plan B. price management C. banks, E. D. insurance arbitration by visible on some of our original written contract clause is incompatible with the WTO principles and protocols, the future is not uncritical according to write. At the same time, we also recognize that only the original writing of each contract are under WTO rules to be examined, judged, and irregularity be deleted or overwritten, our joint venture contract writing various with WTO rules, China's foreign trade in the WTO framework to achieve rapid development. (Excerpted from the application writing Magazine 2003 �� 41 pages of the joint venture contract writing how to align with the WTO rules ") 2. World Tourism Organization, World Tourism Organization, the World Tourism Organization is the United Nations system of intergovernmental international tourism organizations, its predecessor is the international official tourist Union, 1975 to Mississippi, with headquarters in Madrid, the capital of Spain. 1925 on 4-9 November in the Hague, the Netherlands convened the international official Tourist Association Conference. 1934 was formally established in the Hague International official tourism advocacy organizations Union. 1946 1 October-4 November in London, held the first International Congress of National Tourism Organization. October 1947 in Paris at the second International Assembly of the National Tourism Organization decided to officially established official Tourism Organization of the League of Nations, with its headquarters in London, moved to Geneva in 1951, is located in Madrid, Spain. 1969 United Nations General Assembly approved the changing it to intergovernmental organizations. The organization aims to promote and develop tourism to contribute to economic development, international understanding, peace and prosperity, and without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. In carrying out this purpose, we must pay special attention to developing countries in the interests of the tourism industry. Publications of the World Tourism Organization, the message "; The tourism development report (policies and trends); The Tourism Statistics Yearbook; the tourism statistics manual; the travel and tourism trends ". In May 1975, the World Tourism Organization recognized People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate representative of China. 1983 October 5, the fifth session of the General Assembly adopted a resolution on the admission of China as a full member of the Organization, as its official member of 106. September 1987, in the seventh plenary meeting, on China's first elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the Organization, and at the same election to the Statistics Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Asia-Pacific region. In 1991, the re-election to the Organization's Executive Committee members. At present, the World Tourism Organization in China has two associate members. Macao, China, Hong Kong, China is the associate member (AssociateMembers). According to the forecast, by 2020, China will exceed France to become the world's largest tourism destination countries, while at the same time become a traveling abroad the largest number of countries. Due to the growing influence of China's tourism industry, the World Tourism Organization in the 2007 annual meeting adopted Chinese as the official language of the World Tourism Organization. As with other called for the Organization of the WTO, the World Tourism Organization often distinguished in its WTO name with the UN (United Nations) two letters of the UNWTO, and writing. [Edit this] 3. the Warsaw Treaty Organization Warsaw Treaty Organization, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Albania 8 countries in 1955, 14 may sign the Warsaw Treaty to deal with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. June 4, at the time of the entry into force of the Treaty of Warsaw Treaty weave weaving was founded, with headquarters in Moscow. The Treaty also provides for the establishment of the armed forces Commander joint headquarters, and the Chief of staff from the Soviet Union. The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet Union control of the Eastern European countries and the United States for hegemony in the world. August 1968, the Soviet Union on the Warsaw Treaty Organization name, sent troops to the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Albania in September announcement of withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact. In the early 1990s, with the breakup of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact has also been neutralised. 4. World toilet Toilet tissue World Organization in the world, not just a "WTO". In addition to the well known to the World Trade Organization, there is a belt around the toilet lid "WTO": World ToiletOrganization �� world toilet tissue, it is also referred to as the WTO. World toilet tissue is a non-governmental organization, founded in 2001, the Japan toilet Association, Singapore toilet Association, Korea clean toilet Association, China Taiwan toilet Association was founded, with headquarters in Singapore. World toilet tissue is committed to global culture, promotes the toilet toilet is clean, comfortable, healthy, current world toilet organizations from 17 countries of 47 international members. Singapore toilet Association, Japan toilet Association, Finland toilet Association, Taiwan toilet Association, the United States public toilets urinal fear Syndrome Association, beijinglvyouju are members. From 2001 onwards. Every year world toilet tissue will be held in different parts of the world toilet Summit (World ToiletSummit) to provide a contact, Exchange and sharing of information and cooperation platform. Since 2001, world toilet Summit (World Toilet Summit), and held as follows: ? 2001-Singapore ? Seoul ? 2002-2003-Taipei ? Beijing ? 2004-2005-2006-Belfast ? Moscow ? New Delhi ? 2007-2008-Macau World toilet organization figures, everyone around the toilet every day 6 to 8 times a year is about 2500 times, count down one's life is about 2 years spent in the toilet. Toilet is everyone's life a major event in the establishment of an international organization to discuss 60 million people of toileting problems, it is by no means is it out of a molehill. Various foreign countries toilets world toilet tissue hope that through their efforts can improve those accounted for 40 per cent of the world has never used the toilet flushing water for human health. In 2001, world toilet tissue in Singapore at the first toilet Summit, has been difficult to unrefined toilet problem finally first is the world's attention. The meeting discussed a wide range of issues relating to the toilet, including toilet design, health, comfort and resolving waste pollution and lack of developing countries toilets. Toilet problems finally first can trade issues on high level Chamber. The meeting decided that the annual November 19 World toilet day. The 2002 Summit in the toilet has the world's best toilet but also is the maintenance and construction of toilets in accordance with the requirements of the highest in Korea; the 2003 Conference venue in Chinese Taipei. In January 2002, Beijing won the 2004 Fourth World toilet Summit of games, the annual world toilet Summit on 17 November in Beijing. The meeting will be published the world toilet Summit Declaration.

