
[Reprint] 12.27-1.2   weekly universe weather _ SEO Prescott Studio _ Sina Blog

Classification: network reproduced thbill consolidation loan mortgage second e original address: weekly universe weather forecast "> 12.27-1.2 weekly universe weather report authorinjury lawyers orlando: David _ Raylesan francisco personal injury attorneys igh weekly universe weather forecast" TITLE = "[reprint] 12.27-1.2 weekly universe weather forecast"/> �� this week main Sky �� Monday Theatre, help to seriously consider the long-term plans for the coming year, please grasp opportunity; Tuesday, Wednesday, in the main part of the sky "scales" and the "Capricorn" human impact; Thursday mercury beginning antegrade! today is also suitable for a good time to rebuild trust; you can have a good start on Friday to meet new year's day, shopping, party are appropriate; new year's first and second days of the sky are relatively pleasant for a long, or talk with friends. �� This week on the list list �� Aries 21 March-10 April: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday Taurus 25 April-27 April: Monday Gemini June 17-19 December: Wednesday cancer June 26-28, 8 July-11 August: Monday, Wednesday, and Leo, 23 July-13 August: Saturday, Sunday Virgo August 28-30 October: Monday Libra September 28-30, October 8-11 October 19-21 October: Monday, Wednesday 1 November Scorpio-3, 11, 12-16 March: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sagittarius, 23 November-11 December: Saturday and Sunday Capricorn December 26-31, January 6-9 December: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, February 14 Aquarius-16 October: Wednesday 27 December, Monday to long-term development plan for what to do today? first, seriously think about "I have enough economic strength and resources to do what I want to do?" approaching that probably many people are already feeling the pressure, born December 26-28, 25 March-27 March, June 26-28, September 28-30 January, the pressure is particularly apparent, it was afraid of no money loans, some people worry that they really had enough money and resources to implement plans and ambitions. Today seriously want to know the "I have enough economic strength and resources to do what I want to do?" for most people, in the coming year would help a lot. Second, develop plans for the coming years. If you are developing a long-term plan was hypobaric good method, then don't miss this opportunity, especially around 9 am. Born on 25 April-27 and August 28-30, people should grasp this opportunity, because you are able to implement the plan. Today the note? note Monday night, if you have any plans, it is best to have a preliminary response to possible problems, most likely confusion time is 8: 22. Moon day in Virgo 9: 06a.m. solar-Pluto 6: 51pm. Moon-Jupiter 56pm 7: Moon and Neptune to 150 �� 8: 22pm Moon rush Uranus on Dec 28, patient treatment Tuesday inside pressure today what needs attention? first, it is better not to someone complaining that his was not treated fairly. Because probably nobody would sympathize with you, and will only be considered if others owe you, why don't you speak understand that to get to their deserved? second, scales-people may feel pressure in the morning. Scales-type of person, that is, yes man, or a good girls, may in the morning you will feel the pressure, even in the morning around 10: 30 a heated conflict with others. Because the company's strong adventurers who could touch to your bottom line, I always wanted to use unfair means to manipulate others, win the battle for power. But why the "compromise" party always we? but at 12: 54, such conflicts could be resolved. Third, the feelings are not conducive to handle this evening, on the other. Mainly because today's sky makes two difficult to establish trust between individuals, if so, then how communication? also, on born 12 November-14 December in Scorpio, you may face more emotional or financial pressure on the relationship, and thus grew restless, especially at 6: 30 this afternoon. 1: 39am Moon in Libra 10: 26am Moon square Pluto 12: 20pm Sun punishment Moon 12: 54pm mercury and Venus 30 degrees 6: 34pm Venus and Mars and Pluto become a 45-degree criminal influence of Saturn will last all day on 29 December Wednesday "scales" VS "Capricorn" Wednesday to note: first, this may be a man and a pair of Capricorn-someone "wars" day, the atmosphere becomes somewhat tense. Under the influence of this universe sky is strongest on October 8-11, was born in Libra and 6 January-9 December Capricorn born, followed by July 8-11, was born in cancer and 6 April-9 may-born Aries. Those who fight for Justice and fight, and those who care only about whether or not the plan table complete the cold-blooded workaholic confrontation it! but please remember: "taking a step back, talked of a" second, possible! from the pressure of enforced is born on October 19-21, Libra, born on February 14-16, Aquarius, born on June 17-19 of Gemini. Because creating for you bring pleasure, inspiration will also bring inspiration, let you recover your life of faith, even if only temporarily. Moon in Libra day 06pm 10: Moon arch Neptune 30pm 10: Mars square Saturn on December 30, Thursday to rebuild confidence, mercury recovery is line Thursday, weekend be far behind? today probably is auspicious day, "fair" and are no longer on the air waves, so: first, today for rebuilding trust with people. Whether in the workAs well as in private life and the people to rebuild confidence, today is a good time. Born in Nov. 1-3, and was born in December 29-31, most likely from the trust they have in the proceeds. Second, the noon business banquet may bring financial or work opportunities, especially after 3: 21 pm. This period of time appropriate to sign an agreement, since mercury finally restored antegrade, this also means that in a few weeks of delays and review, the work was also on the runway. Everyone is feeling can finally breathe?! third, tonight may be a happy evening. Especially for those who are passionate, attaches particular importance to intimate relationships, at 8 p.m. around, going to be the most successful. 4: 1 moon enters Scorpio 51am: 57pm Moon Sextile Pluto 3: 21pm mercury recovery is line 7: 52pm Sun Sextile moon on December 31, new year's day, Friday fun cosmic weather forecast of loyal readers, all new year! arranged today's activity programme? needs my advice? first, first do some can see immediate results, let the good mood to warm up. The best time is at 11: 40 or so. Second, then you can go shopping. The last day of the year for shopping, not because of all the shopping malls are discounted, but because it is possible for you to get the best price/performance ratio. Finally, cocooned in the evening, join a party to celebrate the new year begin! 9 p.m. or so will usher in a happy atmosphere of the highest peak, happy continued until midnight. Scorpio-man and Capricorn-people may have a thing to finally solve the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, want to double the joy in this evening. In particular, was born in Scorpio November 13-16, you fear that this day is full of passion. Moon in Scorpio all day 11: 40am Moon liuhe Mars 9: 12pm Moon alloy star on January 1, happy new year's day on Saturday, 2011, and how to better meet this first days? first, have a nice day trips possible. Particularly for early-born in Sagittarius, and the other two fire like constellation: Aries and Leo early, you have from 9: 00 a.m.-9: 22 start will feel a whole day full of energy. Second, if you feel there is no fire like constellation full vigor, or think that day is too cold, quietly reading a book is a good choice. Whether outdoors or indoors: today we may unknowingly will talk to some of the philosophical discourse, but chat atmosphere is very pleasant, not very serious. On this joyful day, even the most pessimistic dark, cynics, also on the upcoming 2011 full of optimism and hope. 9: 22am Moon enters Sagittarius January 2, Sunday optimism's day joy will continue until today because: first, today the optimistic point can be a good opportunity, especially during the afternoon around 3: 23. Even if you are working on a task or other trifles are unlikely to suppress the fire as the constellation of positive energy, and in particular was born in Sagittarius, Aries and Leonid medium man. Second, today is also suitable for a long night out, even if they are also more than you might think more smoothly. Third, the evening is suitable for writing, communication and learning. Those who like thinking philosophy problem may very humorous way to express their views, such as on your blog going. Moon day in Sagittarius 3: 23pm Moon Sextile Saturn 9: 07pm Sun and Neptune approximately 10: 03pm Moon-mercury Jupiter is about 30 degrees with the Neptune (Monday 00: 52 accurately into phase) in conclusion, I wish you all a happy new year Happy New Year!------------------------------------------------------------------------------if you like reading, ever master the skills to become a professional astrology ', instead of always stays in the amateurs of astrology masters degree? occupational life is very interesting, not only because of the stellar is self-growth tools, but also can realize all kinds of friends, and his life is always able to help others. Additionally, for those who love freedom, mastering a skill, you can become a freelance, need not be subject to the constraints of the nine, not subject to company's regulations, demanding boss's system, you can have time to do what you like. However, all to love astrology, and able to master the art of true astrological premise. If you love astrology, then let David Rayleigh teacher to help you achieve your dream career by Astrology ' ! "2011 �� 3 career by Astrology masters qualification prerequisites" �� course brief�� directly follow the United States professional astrology masters Mr. David �� Rayleigh learning to become a professional astrology which should be in the basics.����Mr. David �� SEO will be 40 years of experience as you will become an excellent career by Astrology masters with a solid foundation. All courses will last 3 weeks (weekly 2 late), for a total of 12 hours. Through this course students will learn about reading the theory and practice of the basic framework and application. The 12 hours of teaching is a one-year vocational qualification course astrological college preparatory classes. After a career by Astrology masters qualification courses a year course graduates will have passed the ISAR, NCGR Astrology or vocational qualification AFAN certification exam (L-1). �� Course content �� modern astrological theory and practice of occupational astrological entry 1. Constellation 2. getting started Getting started with gongwei 3. Getting started with 4 planets. Getting started with phase 5. Keywords 6. Getting started with mathematical computation ��close course �� entire module course fees: 1400 RMB/ 6 modules to a single module course fees: 300 yuan/2 hours���� Br > weekly universe weather forecast "TITLE =" [reprint] 12.27-1.2 weekly universe weather forecast "/> to learn more please visit watercress to road station. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"2011-2012 vocational qualification course in astrology" you already have a certain astrological knowledge background? do you want to extend the astrological knowledge? you need to carefully designed curriculum to help you fill the knowledge gaps and self-study? do you want to follow the real professionals in-depth learning?, vocational qualification course in astrology it is your stellar growth journey! professional astrology masters qualification course will help you grow from one student to professional, and eventually become a career by Astrology teachers! weekly universe weather forecast "TITLE =" [reprint] 12.27-1.2 weekly universe weather forecast "/> �� course brief�� the course was David �� Rayleigh, United States over 40 years career by Astrology counseling, teaching experience in essence summarize, aimed at mainland China, learning astrology, offers professional, system, effective, and wealth to the interesting and practical courses. The course will be organized in accordance with the United States by astrology and ISAR, NCGR Astrology AFAN to the vocational qualification requirements of teachers to assist the student to eligible graduate students can achieve United States professional astrology Division (L-1) the same level. Did not participate in the "professional astrology masters qualification preparation course" study of astrology students, by David �� Rayleigh teacher tested by ' Party may participate in the "occupational qualification course in astrology" learning. (* Special economic difficulties, ask if the road made workrooms, we can consider providing funding. ) �� David �� Rayleigh brief�� David �� Rayleigh, United States professional astrology, the soul of goals (http://book.douban.com/subject/4908969/) of the author, in 1970, began to come into contact with astrology, has 30 years experience. He is reading the teachers Union (AFAN), the United States by Astrology IFLA (AFA), American Astrological Research Committee (NCGR), International Association for Astrological Research (ISAR) and career by Astrology ' Organization (OPA), and served as Chairman of the astrological Association of Atlanta. �� United States astrological organization brief�� [ISAR: International Association for the study of astrology] International Society For AstrologicalResearch (ISAR) is committed to encouraging the establishment of astrology of the highest quality standards. The organization is currently providing professional astrology masters qualification to help strengthen the stellar ' professional ethics awareness, astrological interpretation skills, abilities, and consulting skills. Through the combination with other organizations, to provide the most professional of astrological education services; through sponsorship by Astrology study, help build and astrology related evidence system, also provide professional journals. [NCGR Astrology study Committee: United States] National Council for GeocosmicResearch (NCGR) is a not-for-profit organization working to improve the level of teaching and research of astrology. Although initially NCGR in United States, but today its membership had reached about 500, and continues to grow. The Organization's activities include sponsoring organization localities branch (currently in the United States 26 cantons and the other four countries have 42 Branch), as well as special interest groups to facilitate cross-regional dialogue between constellation enthusiasts. [AFAN: American Astrology masters Union] Association For AstrologicalNetworking (AFAN) 's global mission is to enhance, protect, verify that the astrological and astrology in the important role of today's society. AFAN and other astrological organization and personal cooperation projects, for various astrological certification and the financing of scholarships. Meanwhile, AFAN to existing teaching resources by Astrology; sponsoring international Astrology day; and other astrological organization co-sponsored by Astrology "Joint Assembly" (UAC). �� United States professional astrology masters qualification examination standard �� (in ISAR certification exam as an example) [ASL requirements]: have professional astrology Institute or follow professional astrology studies. [Qualification requirements]: in addition to school requirements, ISAR certification requirements refer who successfully pass: > > Advisory skills training courses on professional ethics training courses and tests the ability to test > > ISAR 3 elective �� Q & A �� 1. My English is improving, I could understand the teacher David? course answer: no, we provide you ready professional translation, combining English materials, that can solve your language problems. 2. What if I haven't any astrological background can attend this course ? a: this course requires a basic knowledge of astrology, we recommend that you attend this course before attending the self-study, or David's "vocational teacher teacher Prep by Astrology". Find out more please visit watercress to road station.

