
Expert: United Kingdom to study what time the application was too late? _ impressed by England

Expert: United Kingdom to study what time an application is not http://www.sina.com.cn late? 2009 09/22/ 18: 03 oz enrolment Centre of international students typically, admission to the United Kingdom in September and October, the time period for all college and university semester course part of date! University have 1, 2, undergraduate and master's entry point, United Kingdom for study abroad students should normally be one year ahead of time to prepare and apply for the stage, or at least six months in advance. For example: application for enrollment in September 2010, the best time to start processing should be in the July 2009 start later, at this point, the United Kingdom University are admitted to year end, but next year accepted at first, so apply early preparation for early, from universities to think in terms of total position, is very favorable, but also for the financing of reserves, it can play a preventive role. For example, many students and parents, only know that students need guarantees, but don't know how much money should be provided in specific warranties? how to save? parents should what kind of materials with issue?, and so on, then for Chinese students who apply for early, regular intermediaries will guide the students ' parents should do? so one year ahead of time to prepare good money, in the coming year, do visas will certainly not be a problem. But as time goes on, some students after Christmas, February 1, asking students around, many students will be asked whether or not the time to do it was late? actually this time and no later than July for students, though late, but does not mean that the school has no location, the DEADLINE is usually University School for the month of June of that year, so I can say about 1 month's location is not in the previous year when many of the month July, but I still have the possibility of an application, if that application is successful, the specific need to see the application background, United Kingdom University matriculation standard, in addition to the time of the morning and evening, but also takes into account the applicant's National University, National University of background, domestic and foreign professional whether counterpart, linguistic achievement, work experience and other factors may play a determining role. In other words, if the students simply seeking early, but no actual academic background, application there is no advantage. Meanwhile, capital reserves, United Kingdom, the current provisions guarantee funds to meet the six-month period of time deposits for 1, 2, started to study abroad students in our guidance, the timely adjustment of deposits, July or August, do visas, time deposits, is met. Here, hope all is still not started, but interested in studying in the United Kingdom's classmates, don't hesitate, get started working!

