
How to find work in the United Kingdom �� Mimi London gold-seekers write 2_ mark teacher

Mimi London gold-seekers in mind (2) �� get network's career after network. Call-Net's bid is on the Internet to post your resume and information. What factors can make you a multitude of network's who?: summary of gold man is school background, GPA and openquestions. No matter in which country, schools still have advantages, but definitely not a decisive advantage, in my experience of the United Kingdom job career, have a good student of Oxford Cambridge because openquestion (a way to restrict the number of words of open issues) for well, just the first round was eliminated. I interview first company HR in me countless times to feedback process had a friend with me. Khan. In a future job opportunities, his observations and gave me great help, also made me more to see a big company recruitment standards. General HR told me that looking at network's curriculum vitae, a prestigious school students may be appropriate to relax the achievements and professional requirements. But ordinary school students, if you want more than a few hundred or even fiercer competition, must be done very good. He said, no matter what you read, HR to top1%, distinction, or GPA scores of students is always impressive. (This rule is equally suitable for schools, the school was mediocre students sure not lower the standards or not war to defeat with grace, and finally a few famous applicants get that company offer candidates just graduated from the Scot a ranking of average school). But once inside the interview link, your school, your score is just a stepping stone. Because really gory battle has only just. Of course, the net's many noteworthy points. Fill out basic information, schools, and the results of these factors you can not change, only you can take advantage of is openquestion commonly known as oq. This aspect is often HR willing to spend more than 3 minutes to read some (all the information on the front of the residence time of no more than 30 seconds, the company's HR a day to see numerous copies of the network, the surface of my HR a week after reading 1600 form records). A good oq, you can turn the tide in a school or even scores of students in promoting the interview in General. This is why foreign students studying in the black market price maximum oq modify can be fried to 200 pounds one topic (General words limit each question is 150-250 words, real inch gold). Network's open problems generally fall into two broad categories: competence-based and question why. The former principal requirements candidates set out to demonstrate your ability in a particular case, while the latter asked why this industry, the business and the position to answer. Today first focus talk about competence-based. Each company's ability to focus on, but big companies never leak some capacity factor in Western culture in the education of the University of pretty universal (this, in all fairness the domestic knowledge on higher education will be applied to the practical training is missing). For example: communicationskills (communication); Team working (team work); Creativity (creativity), leadership (leadership); Multi-tasking (multi-tasking skills); Resilience (toughness), etc., etc. But different positions on the capacity requirements are different, as are the requirements of posts certainly entrylevel team spirit stronger, but trainee (that is, the domestic management trainee) is direct to later make preparations for the training of teamleader, of course, require a high level of leadership. Pressure, work intensity high positions such as investment banks of the trader on multi-tasking and resilience of demand is very strong, if done is the market development of creativity is undoubtedly HR test candidates first standards. Therefore, in response to net Shen, just look at the network's oq which order you should in the future when HR interview on which more interested with intuitive anticipation. So how can we effectively precisely answer the problem? answered the most empty verbiage oq cream, such as "I am a person with leadership," and "my teacher and my friends think I'm very creative" nonsense once HR see most likely direct shoot. Answer the word counts so little, each word must be precisely used case, any specific examples of descriptive statement completely are a waste of space. The selection of the case also very particular about, if you have any different from ordinary people's experiences, such as participation in international volunteer organization to Africa area, such as in school do research projects last wrote papers have the results are worth writing examples. But most students will think my life and any ordinary students without any difference, I don't have that much experience. Then you can do is to change the things that make mining extraordinary ordinary life, put an example with the ability to combine perfectly. A very simple example, I have a complete coaching students, only oq to represents teamworking experience is in the school's basketball team was playing basketball. ButIs this example HR every day to see the hundreds of Chinese students either to find a job or applying for school, basically everyone is the monitor, the Student Union is a basketball team captain corny. But you cannot make a own to Iraq when the half-month English teacher stories. I suggest that the students make when basketball team captain can do set out the specific things, such as: 1. assisting the coach is responsible for day-to-day training to help the team manager game and site 2. after the end of every training rallied to do a brief summary, and encourage them to exercise 3. on the pitch, not only in the ambit of any particular Defender, frequently organized attack scores. Also do a lot of-the-spot decisions, boost morale, is the stadium of small coach 4. each time the game is over, repeated research competition videos or technical statistics, and organize the players together to watch the video recording, analysis and statistics. Get everyone on the game's winning comment on team development planning and co-ordination of the various views expressed, and trainer for further discussion. 5. have a core team member as an ankle injury rested for an extended period of time, come back later to find that couldn't keep up with your training progress, and also affected by injuries, frustrated. As captain of the team has been helping him to do rehabilitation and extra training and organization of other players with his encouragement (whole team of guys have to cut a head 11 this figure hair to celebrate his return). Finally the players well back into the team, and played in huge arenas. 6. cooperation with the Student Union, has a title by a corporate sponsor of the charity basketball game, because the invitation to the campus of star player and has done a very good publicity, but also successfully sell tickets at XXXX Zhang. Sponsorship and ticket income after deducting costs with XXXX proceeds donated to the city of XXX primary repair of sports equipment. Organization members and other students to primary school, and the children together for a day of activities, also openday about after the school regularly and similar activities. ���� This discovery mining after small pieces of ordinary case can at least meet leadership, team working, motivational skills, reflection, and so on many kinds of qualities communicationability. You can also have a day all immersed in the empty verbiage or common examples of HR. Jin-Wen blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1408157945 beautiful angle

