
The rise of United Kingdom (1): Anglo-Saxon times _ unnamed

(Source: 2009 04 08 Phoenix network history channel) Editor's Note: Tiandi Xuanhuang, boundless. Humanity is where exactly? often say that the world's ancient civilizations of the "big four" (China, ancient India, ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon). However, in today's world there are more than 190 countries, they all come from, how they are developed, especially near hundreds of years leading the human tide of the modernization of Europe and the United States, how did they? rise of today, Phoenix network history channel from the history of the "European country" to begin, open the picture of the history of the world, together with the majority of Internet users, worldwide, overview of ancient and modern, the habit of vernal spring breeze. How many contacts, all gossip. ) United Kingdom rise of (a): Anglo- Anglo-Saxon times with Rome (Roman) troops in the 5th century a.d. (401-410) final withdrawal British (Britannia, ancient Celtic language, which means "colorful land"), Britain South then entered the Anglo-Saxon (Anglo-Saxon) era. In this era, the British Empire in the southern region on the island of disappearing, but Jesus (Jesus) will eventually replace the Caesar (Caesar, the Roman Emperor's salutation), all of a sudden clash of living, you strike me on stage to sing, turmoils up hundreds of years later, in 1066 years Christmas London Westminster (WestminsterAbbey, interpreters for Westminster Abbey, London's main church, Newton, Darwin, and other celebrities are buried in here), with the Duke William of Normandy (William the conqueror ofNormandy, nicknamed "William the Conqueror") was crowned as King William I of England (William I ofEngland), England medieval entered. So, people on Anglo-Saxon period of seven States have detailed understanding of? this article focused on the period of some seven countries. First, the times development: 1, prehistoric times: people for Britain's oldest residents understand very little (United Kingdom of the earliest human fossils appear to 25 million years ago, 5000 years b.c., Quaternary ice age ended, sea-level rise, the British became the island), but these residents in stone Heng (Stonehenge, round stone structure) and Havre Burleigh (Avebury) the legacy of Stonehenge is proof of the early history of the Islanders have developed a considerable degree of civilization (MegalithCulture, megalithic culture, from North Africa, located in Spain, France and Germany, and the Western Isles), they are in the bronze age culture period. 2, the Celtic period: then, in the 5th century BC, the early leaf first Celtic (there are four tribes: Silurian people occupy Wales/Silures Doum Benoni people occupy southwestern England/Domnonii, Kent in South-East of England who occupy/Canti, love Siniora occupied eastern England Iceni people) will be the European continent of iron age culture brought to the island. (In fact, in the 6th century b.c., 7-the southern island of Britain already appeared at the beginning of civilization, belong to the iron age. The civilization throughout the Western and Central Europe, its name comes from a German, an iron long sword) 3, Roman conquest: 54 years b.c., Julius Caesar (JuliusCaesar, Roman generals) crossed the English channel, the island's Celtic several wars of conquest, the General view is Caesar's purpose is to prevent the island's Celtic on its newly conquered Gaul (Gaul) region. 43 years, the Roman Empire a.d. Emperor Claudius (Claudius, interpreters Claudia) again on the British forces, and in today's London and Colchester (Colchester, London North East Harbour) the establishment of military bases, to the year 85 years, the Roman Empire in British territory already on extends to the South of the River Clyde. In the Roman conquest of Britain in the early Celtic launched a series of uprisings against the Romans, the most famous being podica uprising (Boudicca, Celtic in Briggs Thom/Briton Queen, love Sydney King Playa Soutar goose/Prasutagus's wife. A.d. 60 years to launch anti-Roman Emperor Nero's independence movement, once the capture of London. The following year the uprising failed, she took poison himself), but since the bloody repression of the Romans and failed. In the 2nd century a.d., the Roman emperor Hadrian (Hadrian) ordered in the North of the island of Britain built a line of famous military defense �� Hadrian wall, whose aim is to prevent the North Peak Inuit (Pict, "painting", the ancient Celtic tribes, living in the North of England to preferences tattoo name) from aggression. Roman rule in Britain during the period, the town developed on the island, and in order to ensure the smooth conduct of military operations and the construction of the road network connecting the town, the road is England region land transport infrastructure. The Romans also built the Colchester, Lincoln (Lincoln) and Gloria Chester (Gloucester) (besides the most important thing is the city of York, then called/York Puebla Qom/Ebracum) these colonies to House veterans. The period of Roman rule in Britain and the continent's other regions on Imperium has frequent trade �� wine, olive oil, ceramics and homeHas become a staple of the imported goods, but Britain's lead, Tin, iron, wheat and wool you pass across the continent, but this trade with the Roman Empire at the end of the recession and the Roman legions in the a.d. 5 withdrawal of the British Isles and the beginning of the twentieth century. 4, Anglo-Saxon era: with the withdrawal of the Roman army, Barbarian tribe on romanization British guards and more frequent, 410, a.d., the Roman Empire from the IDB's refuse assistance romanization of British (the year 410 years xigete King Alaric/Alaric captured Rome), Roman officials then left the British, and 5 in the second half of the twentieth century Germanic tribes pilgrimage into the British �� they are the Anglo-Saxons (North-West from Germany and the Netherlands today) and the Jutes (Jute, from Jutland peninsula/Jutland). These Germanic tribes defeated on the ground Celts, defeated Celtic fled to Wales and England now southwestern Cornwall (Cornwall) areas, some of them also crossed the English channel to now France-Bretagne (Bretagne) areas for settlement. As victors of the Anglo-Saxons, and Jutes slowly formed seven small, they are the Saxons of Sussex (Sussex, "South Saxon"), Essex (Essex, "East Saxon"), Wessex (Wessex, "West Saxon"); Anglo people of the East angles jegalia (East, East Anglia, "Anglo"), Northrend Umbria (Northumbria, "North Umbria" Umbria is one of the provinces in the central part of Italy), Moesia (Mercia) and the Jutes in Kent (to local indigenous Celtic Aboriginal "Kent man" named). From the 8th century late leaf, Viking (Wiking, "seafarers", also known as the Norman/Norman, "the North", is one of Denmark 's) on the British island of aggression, they like locusts will England coastal areas destroyed, and in 865, England started a comprehensive intrusion, but in the end they were Wessex Kingdom of Alfred the great (Alfred theGreat) defeated and forced to settle down in the East of England. This area because the implementation of the law of Denmark is called Denmark law area, Denmark were the rulers of the land to the soldiers. Alfred the great of heirs after a fierce battle, finally conquered Denmark law area, England. But in the late 10th century Denmark again for England region invades Kanoute Dadi (KnuttheGreat) 1016 years finally conquered the whole of England, and has been ruled to 1042 years. Subsequently, Wessex dynastic penitent Edward (Edward theConfessor) restore the interrupted the Saxon King, Duke William of Normandy with France in 1066, in Hastings battle won, Anglo-Saxon times eventually end. Second, the Anglo-Saxon period of social Overview: early Germanic invaders, from status than the serf, but are dependent on the King. Over the next few centuries of war and agricultural practices, most Lords or under pressure into serfs, or dependent nobility and gentry of feudal lords. The Lord of the nobility and gentry is the privileged class, they swear allegiance to the King, to obtain from the King, and on their own territory owned territories exercise greater autonomy. Anglo-Saxon Kings Kingdom Government by tribal leaders meeting of evolution, the King has the Kingdom of Executive and judicial power, nobility is composed of the King's Advisory Council to help the King with the national policy. King of the Kingdom of the County as a basic regional administrative unit, the Earl of governance, in some cases these count will post becomes hereditary, manages several County. Shire of administrative units for the County, the County and County has its own Court, County Court the county magistrates in charge of the County Court by a magistrate of long. In the Anglo-Saxon times, agriculture is the primary industry, but the invasion of Denmark is active traders, in the 9th century, the importance of cities and towns began to increase. Anglo-Saxons in Ireland and Rome sent missionaries, began the process of Christian. But Ireland religious ceremonies and continental ritual differences almost led to the splitting of the British Christian Church, the huge differences in 663 years (about a.d. 664 years) of Whitby (Whitby) religious meeting finally got resolved. At the same time, monastery became the Anglo-Saxon era's cultural center, there to exquisite is famous for its huge, in addition to this, the Church scholars �� �� Peter (Bedeof Jarrow, 673-735, the Saxons of monks), Al-Kum (Alcuin, Northrend Umbria) and Alfred the great, as well as preservation and development of knowledge and dedication. England seven Kingdoms period (a.d. 800 years before and after) : guozhizhi a-England 7---Kent the Kingdom approximately in the middle of the 5th century a.d. by the invasion of England region of the Germanic tribes of the Jutes. On the establishment of the Kingdom, historians have stayed in, in accordance with tradition, a.d. 449, Jutes in its tribal leaders henges and Garbajosa, led by the two brothers, in the South coast of England, they are landing on the ground, Mr Thom's invitation to come to help locals resist North pickert human aggression. Before long, Heng Gus and his son Esk immediately switch the gun head, and invite them to come to that, Mr Thom leader wading root devil, Jutes soon defeated the locals, and about today United Kingdom of Kent region established the Kingdom of Kent. Kent Kingdom of Couette Talbot in the 6 th century in England dominate, it is said that his hegemony range has been extended to hang Bo River South of the region. In 597, Eitel Bert in its capital city of Canterbury hosted Pope Gregory missionary sent envoys St. Augustine and St. Augustine, accepted baptism into Anglo-Saxon Kings Kingdom first accept the Christian King. But in the next several centuries, the Kingdom of Kent's national recession periodically to Moesia Kingdom and the Kingdom of Wessex to carve up the conquest and, ultimately, in the second half of the 8th century into the Kingdom of Moesia aofa great rule a province. Aofa Great Emperor died, Kent in 796, the outbreak of the Intifada rebellion Moesia, was brutally repressed. A.d. 825, Kent is Wessex Kingdom of King Egbert conquest, was forced to recognize the Wessex of Royal power, Kent became the Kingdom of Wessex. Although Kent in 8 century began in Denmark's aggression, become victims of one of the most serious, but Kent remains before the Norman Conquest of England's economy the most developed areas, as Archbishop of Canterbury in the presence of the area, making a large number of assets in the name of religion to gather in the area, on the other hand, Kent and continental maintained close contact �� religious, political, economic, and cultural. England seven guozhizhi II �C East angles jegalia East angles that Leah is Anglo in 5 century establishment of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, its territory is approximately equivalent to the now United Kingdom of Norfolk and Sue Fokker Shire, Anglo from Scandinavia and North German area. The early history of the Kingdom is fuzzy, but the territory is located in the Kingdom of large blocks of marshes, so that it is in a relatively favourable position of Defense, the factors that the Kingdom of the East angles jegalia in 6 century became the Anglo-Saxon Kings Kingdom in a country. East angles that Leah Kingdom King Reed Wald (he died around the year 627) succeeding Kent's Eitel Bert become the overlord of the South of England, Reed Waldemar helped Edwin beat Northrend Umbria Kingdom of King Eitel Friedrich Ritter, and Edwin on Northrend's throne of the Kingdom of Umbria. However, the Kingdom of the East angles jegalia dominant position but with the rise of the Kingdom of Moesia and weakened. A.d. 650 years later, the Kingdom of the East angles that Leah degenerated into long-term Moesia Kingdom vassals. A.d. 825, East angles jegalia in Wessex King Egbert aid launched on the uprising of the Kingdom of Moesia, although they subsequently from Moesia domination, but reduced to Wessex vassals. More bad things come one after another, 865, 866 winter, the invasion of England in Denmark in the Kingdom of the East angles that Leah, 869, in the winter, Denmark's return to old haunt, and once they are no longer a short stay, they conquered the Kingdom of the East angles that Leah, who destroyed the Kingdom of Denmark on the territory of the monastery, and murdered the East angles that Leah's young King �� Saint Edmund. 9 century 70 's, Wessex of Alfred the great of defeated Denmark, forcing Denmark people in England to the East of Denmark law area live East angles that Leah by Wessex and Denmark were to 886 year and about becoming a Denmark law area. However Denmark method of Denmark and the-State people before long heavy eruption, not only helped Viking invasion of Wessex, also constantly harassed the Kingdom. Ultimate Wessex King Edward the elder in 917, eventually conquered Denmark method district, unified England, from then on, the East angles jegalia became a territory of England. England seven guozhizhi three �C Northrend Umbria Northrend Umbria is Anglo people established Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, it was originally composed of two independent small kingdoms, the Kingdom of the two small to Dease River as the boundary. One of a number of independent small Kingdom is Bern West Asia, its territory covers today's East Scotland, England's Victor, Roxburgh, East of Northrend Umbria and the Durham region. A separate small Kingdom is de la, its territorial scope includes today England Yorkshire of the North and East, the two kingdoms were Anglo in about the year 500 years. The existing number of rare historical record 6 century, Bern West King-El, de la King as ELIT (or ceel). Bern West King Eitel Friedrich Ritter (in bit period 593-616) the Kingdom of the two merged into the Kingdom of the Umbria of Northrend, and unified Kingdom of Scotland, and Wales increased in the territory, but Eitel Friedrich Ritter was de la of Edwin defeated, and was replaced by. Edwin in 627, accepted Christianity and in England established Northrend Umbria's hegemony, unfortunately not always, in the year 632, Edwin is Wales that the Kingdom of King meets de Lagarde Watts Furlong kill, this Kingdom is and Moesia King Penda Coalition to oppose the Umbria of Northrend. After a year of confusion, Northrend Umbria's throne from Bern West of Oswald, Oswald to St. Martin for Celtic Christian missionary work, however, Oswald was Penda of Moesia killed. Following) bearing Oswald as King of Wu (one is aucillaIn-period 641-670), and Hector Griffith (in bit period 670-685), during this period, the Umbria of Northrend's wane, by contrast, the Kingdom of Moesia has ��Western plunged. However, aucilla Ukraine in religion or make a difference in Whitby religious meeting established the Roman Catholic Church on the Celtic church leadership. 7 century late leaf and 8 century period, the Kingdom of Northrend Umbria long-term political rivalries, quarrel, and, although the Kingdom of the Church, arts, academic, literary but is in a golden age. 867, invasion of Denmark in Northrend, the capital of the Kingdom of Umbria, York victory, they occupied the Kingdom's southern region, Northrend Umbria's Anglo people only have control of the Litani River, DIS Firth a little South of the Kingdom. Denmark-great conquest of kanu throughout England, in Northrend Umbria Denmark people count is set, the Earl of Denmark were to die in 1055, of civatte is most powerful. But Northrend Umbria people in 1065 year civatte heir to that expulsion,, reference cell, is the location of Moesia Earl Edwin brother Mocha-replace, 1066 years, mention that, in Norway's Harold. El de Rada, accompanied back to Northrend Umbria and Faure Ford battle beat mocha and Edwin, then just get England King Harold II ran off to the North, defeated the reference cell, and de Rada. However, the Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis spinus, Duke William of Normandy to seize the Harold and the weakness of conquests, overwhelmed, in England, South of Hastings defeated Harold, ended the Anglo-Saxon times. England seven guozhizhi four �� Moesia Moesia is Anglo people build of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, its territory is approximately equivalent to the United Kingdom's Midland region. The Kingdom is about the year 500 years or so, but its early history is not only confusing, to the reign of King Penda, Moesia history become clear. Penda will Moesia extends the sphere of influence of Wessex (645) and East angles jegalia (650), become hang Bo River to the South of the overlord of England. Penda died, Moesia hegemony within three years, given that in this era, Nova's Umbria Kingdom sent a missionary to the Kingdom of Moesia to convert to Christianity, but Penda son Woolf hull to re-establish a more powerful Kingdom of Moesia. 8 century Eitel Balde-Moesia Wang, the entire southern England for the sphere of Moesia. Moesia hegemony in the aofa appellation (in bit period 757-796 years) reached a peak, he took control of the East angles that Leah, Kent, Sussex, and force the Canavese g} and Northrend Umbria on he maintained a surrender. Aofa great also in Moesia established west of the Kingdom of the great wall to protect the aofa West from Welsh. Aofa Great Emperor died, Moesia hegemonic position gradually decline, its hegemony as Wessex. When the 9th century Wessex King Egbert defeated Moesia, Moesia was briefly recognized Wessex's sovereign status, but in the year, when 874 invasion of Denmark were seriously undermined Moesia, Moesia stigma to yield to Denmark, the eastern region by 886, Wessex and Denmark's and about Denmark, become an integral part of district, West of the Wessex of Alfred the great control, at this point, the history of independent Moesia was concluded, although it as Wessex, a territory of the Kingdom, had a noble Countess Eitel Fred. Her husband died, trying to help as Wessex King's brother against Denmark, won the title of Moesia Lady. England seven guozhizhi five -Essex Sussex was the Saxons of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, it may be established in the early 6th century AD. The Kingdom's Royal ancestry can be traced back to the European continent Germain people respected God Woden (o.), this is the other Saxon �� Anglo Kingdom rulers claims. Essex Kingdom territory including the now United Kingdom in Essex, Middlesex County, Hartford County most and London. About 604 years, Essex King Seibert at his uncle �� Kent King Eitel Burt's impact, the acceptance of Christianity. But when he died, following the expulsion of King London Bishop melito natus, Kingdom very soon again Pagan beliefs. However in 653, King West Bert to Northrend Umbria King oswy sent missionaries to put their national missionary requests oswy sent to Essex Cede?o, sed to Essex embraced Christianity again, and has established in the territory of the Kingdom of the Church. The Woolf hull to Moesia Wang, Essex recognized the sovereignty of Moesia, began the grip for the neighboring country of Essex. 825 years, Essex and other Eastern Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, surrender to the Kingdom of Wessex, and as Wessex of a territory. 886, Wessex and Denmark's and about Denmark, Essex became a part of France, but in 917, Wessex King Edward the recapture of the elderly. Essex territory's most famous Earl is Bill Fontenot, 991 year Jimmy Erdong killed in battle�� Six seven guozhizhi England �� �� Sue Sussex Sussex was the Saxons of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, its territorial scope in the Southeast will de today United Kingdom in the southern part of the region. Sussex Kingdom established at the end of the 5 (follow the traditional argument is in 477 years), its establishment is the leader of the Saxons, Moeller in several battle beat Celtic, a short period of military hegemony. But the people of this country's early 200 years of history almost nothing, the 7 th century, the Kingdom or embrace Paganism until York Bishop Saint Wilfrid missionary work in the Kingdom (681-686), that the Kingdom of the population profess to Christianity. 685-688, Wessex King caedwalla conquered the Sussex and caedwalla later King of Nepal rule, Sussex continue to surrender to the Wessex. 771, Moesia-aofa great already includes Sussex conquer the Kingdom, neighbouring countries, from then until the 825, Sussex remains under the reign of Moesia. 825, Sussex and other Eastern Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, surrender to the Wessex King Egbert. England seven guozhizhi seven-Wei Sussex Wessex is the Saxons of Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, it may be in 495 years by Sergio Dick under the leadership of the Saxons to establish, it is rumored that he led the people in the United Kingdom today Hampshire coastal zone login. To Sergio Dick's grandson seflin (in bit period 560-593), the Saxons of settlements have spread all over the Hill-soar mountains, the original inhabitants of the Celts were Saxons from the Thames River Valley and the Severn River between the expulsion, but seflin I were Saxons exile. Until 8th century, the Kingdom of Wessex has been in the shadow of power �� first Kent, then Northrend Umbria, last is Moesia. However this period Wessex also not without as the King caedwalla (685-during in-688) on neighbouring countries launched several successful campaigns, his Inheritors because on the one hand, to the West, Mr Thom little Kingdom extended territory, on the one hand, forcing the Kent tribute. Because, after death, Wessex was plunged into chaos. * ** Until King Egbert (802-239), Wessex with gradually experienced a revival, he again became a sovereign of England, but his successor was forced to give up a large part of the hegemony of to focus on defense Denmark invasions. To Alfred the great of domination, Wessex's history and the history of England, to the 10th century the elderly Edward, Eitel Stein, Edmund, edred successively as King of Wessex, Wessex gradually include Denmark law area, the whole of England established a consolidation of the rule. But the King Edgar calm reign, the new King Eitel red (in bit period 978-1016 years) can't resist the invasion of the Viking, Viking Princes Kanoute in England established Denmark's reign (1016-1042). Kanoute family of extinction caused the penitent Edward became England's last Wessex King of Kings (1042-1066). With the Norman Conquest, Wessex is no longer a political concept, but as a geographical concepts, it generally refers to the United Kingdom now Dorset County. (To be continued)

