
United Kingdom people of China _ sparks

Over the next five years, China will surpass that of the United States, becoming the United Kingdom's most important trading partners �� the forecast was not my inference nor a United Kingdom institution of research findings, but many of the views of the United Kingdom Parliament. United Kingdom Labour victory number de PR company (LawsonDodd) has recently commissioned an independent survey company United Kingdom Populus carried out a survey, the survey found that 41% of the United Kingdom Parliament believe that China will be five years as a United Kingdom's largest trading partner. The survey data, for those who intend to enter the United Kingdom market in China, it is undoubtedly a good news. But the investigation of other data is displayed, even if the above predictions come true, these companies are still hard to really gain a foothold on the United Kingdom market. For example, the survey found, and the United Kingdom Parliament the optimistic prediction is in stark contrast to the general public, United Kingdom to China's overall evaluation is relatively low: the United Kingdom general population surveys according to different national attitudes towards the degree of enthusiasm from low (0) to high (100 points) for the assessment, the average score of 38 China, slightly higher than Russia, but far less than France (48 min), and United States (53 min). In addition, the United Kingdom's "made in China", also will not let the Chinese exporters were stoked: 45% of respondents thought that Chinese-made product quality not as good as United Kingdom products, is contrary to proportion (14%) three times more. China opening policy at least 30 years, China's coastal areas, the implementation of export-oriented economic development strategy, at least 20 years, China as the "world factory" of the world known, at least 10 years, but for many Westerners, "made in China" is still a cheap low quality products. While this survey at least demonstrate: many ordinary people who still holds a United Kingdom. "Depending on your knowledge of Chinese products, the United Kingdom's view true?" in the interview, Lao is better than Germany CEO Joe Anna �� Ms. Dodd, I directly asked her. Lao is better than Germany was founded in 1992, is a public relations company in London, but Joanna is a "pass": she loves to go to China, travel China several times, even adopted a couple of Chinese daughter, she created Lao is better than the company has also been working to help Chinese companies in the United Kingdom to expand marketing and public relations activities, her understanding of Chinese products should be better than ordinary United Kingdom people. "Not entirely consistent with the facts," Joanne gave me the answer is neat, "Although some Chinese products do exist quality problems, but there are many Chinese products are not only affordable, but also from the United States. However, China still cannot ignore public opinion, even if these views and the fact that there is a certain distance, because those of ordinary people who are consumers in the United Kingdom, their perceptions of China product quality, have a direct impact on their sales, or lowering their prices. " Joanna told me, the most fundamental way, of course, is to improve product quality, creating high-quality brand," China is not only the products that have no brand; Chinese companies can not only meet when foreign brands of processors. " " However, now the ' made in China ' is also in transition, from low-cost low-quality, low-cost high-quality, turning "she went on to say that" some Chinese companies also began to create their own brands, such as Huawei, they are gradually changing the West on the ' made in China ' stereotypes. " Joanna particularly pointed out to me, this survey found that young consumers more aware of the United Kingdom's new generation of Chinese imports of the product, they" made in China "views more positive: in the 55 to 64 and 65 of the two types of respondents in each group, 60% and 56% of people believe that the Chinese product than the United Kingdom products of poor quality; and 18 to 24 and 25-34 years old two age groups of respondents held this view significantly decrease, respectively 33% and 32%. In order to investigate more accurately reflect the views of the different groups, in the age group, occupation, grouping, and other smaller categories, there are three large categories: the first is the general consumers, total 1105 adult accepted access; the second category is the Member of Parliament, a total of 106 Congress accepted the investigation; the third category are opinion leaders, investigative bodies from nearly 1000 bits can have an impact on the United Kingdom public opinion an important figure in the 122-opinion leaders, including the city of London, the politicians, the media, public institutions and non-government organizations, top management. Many Chinese companies may take it for granted that the United Kingdom, if ordinary people's understanding of China are restricted to their use in daily life products in China, the United Kingdom the elite's understanding of China should be more active, more comprehensive. "More active"? maybe, "is not necessarily a more comprehensive"?. At least this survey results so display. The former example is: 41% of the United Kingdom Parliament is of the view that the next five years, China will become the most important trade partner of the United Kingdom; United Kingdom opinion leaders were of the view that China will be the United Kingdom's second important trade partner after the United States; although India United Kingdom former colonies, the two countries ' political and cultural ties are also more than UK exchanges, but the two groups United Kingdom elite are of the view that India five years later, only to become the United Kingdom's third largest trading partner. The latter example is: the United Kingdom Ministry of January this year, the publication a China strategy paper of the British cooperation framework, but this survey found that nearly three quarters (73%) of the United Kingdom opinion leaders have never heard of this file, let alone have a detailed understanding of it; even even this should better understand the file offKey figures �C the city of London and the United Kingdom business executives who have heard of the one-fifth (19%), but no details on the specific contents of the file; United Kingdom members of Congress on this document to understand or not too much: 42% of people have never heard of this document, 56% of people heard about it, but I don't understand its detailed contents, only 2% of people familiar with the details of the file. Even if the two groups United Kingdom UK elite have recognized the importance of trade, but most of them still believe that the Chinese company to enter the United Kingdom market is not easy, many obstacles. 87% of opinion leaders to "United Kingdom lack of Chinese brand awareness" as a Chinese company to enter the United Kingdom market, one of the obstacles. Being investigated by Congress members in 89% holds the same view. However, more congressmen (90%) think that the Chinese companies are facing a greater challenge is to "the differences between doing business", this idea of opinion leaders representing 83 per cent, slightly less than the proportion of members of Parliament. In the "lack of knowledge of Western marketing" and "lack of understanding of the Western market," these two options, Member of Parliament and opinion leaders in these two groups of respondents are of the view that the former Chinese companies to enter the United Kingdom market as a result of greater (opinion leaders, members of Congress to 68% 82%). In particular, in the opinion leaders, media practitioners are more likely to "lack of knowledge of Western marketing" and "United Kingdom lack of Chinese brand awareness," these two points as Chinese companies to enter the United Kingdom market, major obstacles. "As a United Kingdom future trading partners, China's position is so high, gratifying, but the Chinese companies need to rethink their United Kingdom market certain assumptions and expectations, don't underestimate the based on the United Kingdom market the existence of some potential problems, they also need to be strengthened and the United Kingdom from all levels of Exchange and communication, increase brand awareness in China, but the most important measures, or to improve product quality, create your own high-quality brand. "Joanna �� more Ms. finally told me. (Note: this article only on behalf of the author I point) United Kingdom ft Chinese network columnist Wei town (the author e-mail: weicheng_ft@yahoo.co.uk)

